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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by naija

  1. also, how is it possible in 2021 we can't sync multiple video feeds to show a static point from 3 different views at once. of course, you could also just put a chip in the ball that will 100% be accurate when it crosses the line, but people will bitch about the purity of the game
  2. Ewers is like the only dude wearing a blanket
  3. Quinn Ewers must be Trevor Lawrence redux to beat Stroud out
  4. they just had to put that graphic up didn't they
  5. sure, but grabbing onto ankles long after the play is over isn't clean play either
  6. umm, how long do you think he has been a coach there? also, after witnessing Texas and Florida, even with a loss this year, they wouldn't fire him
  7. an ejection would benefit Ohio State so they do that
  8. man, they are leaving nothing in the playbook
  9. that cruel. running that graphic on Michigan fans
  10. that was a coverage sack though. he had time to get the ball out.
  11. kinda funny to see some posters bewildered by this weather. a reminder that one of the things we overrate is the sunny weather in Austin which is supposed to attract players
  12. The ChristKindlMarket can be a bit of a flesh-press most years, not sure how they will handle that with Covid this year. But it is a good experience, and you usually will come away with items that will make for thoughtful gifts for friends and relatives that shouldn't set you back too much. Instead of Yolk, try Kanela instead for breakfast. The Field Museum is better than Shedd. The Art Institute is great as well. Probably more fun for adults than kids though every time I go there doesn't seem to be a lack of kids and they do seem to be having a good time. The skating at Millennium Park can be worth it, and even if everyone doesn't skate (I don't), it is one of those classic nice looking scenes that feels a lot like Xmas. Winter here can be cold for sure. No denying that. But some places look and feel absolutely terrible in Winter. I would say, a good majority of the time, that isn't the case here.
  13. If you are okay with a prime then why not the RF 16mm f/2.8? Reasonably priced can differ for everyone, but its $300 new out the gate. Not too bad.
  14. everyone's different. for me, it makes me not want to take the camera/lens out and shoot. I'm at the point where I am considering saving up for a Leica M just for the small lenses that it comes with. In the meantime might just get one and stick on the Nikon Z6 via an adapter. problem is, optically, the Nikon Z 50mm f/1.8 is just tough to beat. punches way above its class. like comparable to lenses that are thousands of dollars more.
  15. they will stick with it. lot was made about the limitations including the so-called inability to make f/1.2 glass, and then Sony surprised everyone with the 50mm f/1.2 earlier this year. The newer lenses and the remade G-Masters have all been class-leading or near the top of it. The recently released new 70-200mm is making waves as the best 70-200mm on the market, which is quite a turn from when the older version was ranked at the bottom. they've also tended to be lighter in weight than Canon, and Nikon especially. the big compromise that has stuck out but doesn't seem to bother a lot of people is that their lenses tend to have a lot of focus-breathing while Nikon is excellent in that regard but bigger and heavier too. I don't shoot Sony as the camera bodies and color does nothing for me, but have to give them credit. they really turned the industry upside down.
  16. you know what they say about bodies and lenses. if its a focal length you shoot regularly, might as well save up and wait to get the native mount. no matter how good the adapters, they are all a pain to use. which RF lens are you looking to get? once Nikon and Canon entered the mirrorless wars, most of the theoretical size advantage over DSLR seems to have disappeared especially when it comes to lenses. That is what is giving me the most pause in terms of getting more. It doesn't make for a very unobtrusive experience trying to take pictures with most of them. Nikon has tried somewhat with the Z 40mm f/2 and Z 28mm F/2.8, but if you are like me and this was your first foray into Full-Frame, missing the smaller nature of APSC doesn't go away as for 3rd parties, both Canon and Nikon have chosen to have a closed system, and so far it seems Sigma, Tamron, Zeiss, Voigtlander are content enough to just stick with the Sony E mount and wait to see if it ever becomes worth their while to expand to RF and Z mounts
  17. felt very Battlestar Galactica-ish to me. and not in a good way.
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