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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by naija

  1. don't think it was perfect. AD was in front of the DB. something lower and not quite as far outside, and he could have shielded the ball away. even without the DB, he was stretched on one leg and the ball was scratching the fingertips. would have been a helluva catch
  2. it's not crazy. when all the accolades and press go to the interior guys, there is usually a reason why. we don't have a single consistently good, forget elite, pass rusher off either edge. kinda need that against elite passers
  3. sucks to have the same team end your season two seasons in a row
  4. and you know they will. not one thought will given towards style points, or making JJ look good
  5. I'm still taking the Burrows, Jefferson and Chase trio. did it in college, and doing it in the NFL.
  6. holy shit, this is the year of WR for NFL folks
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