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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by naija

  1. really terrible showing in terms of being dialed in.
  2. we should somehow convince Saban to come coach DBs when he retires
  3. holy shit, he had time to take a nap, reset and walk away
  4. Pac12 had the best non-conference record this year. Guess that all got forgotten
  5. we look like a team that is losing by 30. it's disconcerting. this thing is still winnable.
  6. on the first thread, when someone asked how we can stop their WRs, and I said we can't; got pushback on that one.
  7. we have talent in the secondary. look at the peers of our younger players... they made all-conference teams. we should have done better with Malik and Williams.
  8. how funny with all the SEC talk, that the defending Champion next year might reside in the Big 10.
  9. the only reason why Penix isn't projected higher are his injuries and age.
  10. thinking you are ahead of schedule is how you let life pass you by. the road gets tougher at our next conference, even with more playoff spots. better kick ass when you can
  11. their coach is obviously a stud, but why does he get these brainfarts with the runs when they get here
  12. wheels, off. and its the dude that talked the most shit about us
  13. that's the strange thing. PK was known for his DBs
  14. if they win, somehow I think Michigan's defense will put up a better fight than this. they are great, but a lot of it is us as well
  15. lol, our guy got tackled right in front of the QB
  16. don't think they care. Harbaugh will find a way to make his team feel insulted no matter who the opponent is
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