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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by 1978horn

  1. I think that's what her group was gonna with as a name before settling on "Eanes Kids First" 

    There are a number of “first” groups that are usually geared towards anti-mask and whatever other privileges you can imagine. Usually the hot topic of the moment. A lot of parents are using that slogan/name like in other districts to try and solidify their “movement”. I think the ones in DSISD are trying to for a PAC out of their “first” group.
  2. 9 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    see post below (and one a little further up) and see two docs saying wait for symptoms before test.  There's a lot of things with this virus that seem possible but not really likely, and asymptomatic spread by a little kid seems really far down the list of concerns. Couple that with the sort of low likelihood of her actually catching it at that age, from someone else that age that's shedding a pretty low viral load and not in all that intimate a contact type situation and you are looking at what- 1/1000 that she becomes a transmitter?  1/10,000? Are those numbers off? I'm not certain on them I'd like to see anyone else's back of the envelope math on this for sure.  It's my biggest point of curiosity in this whole thing- what are the actual risk factors, and how much does behavior move those risk factors, and what are those absolute numbers.

    Sure, rapid tests are never going to be as accurate.

    I'm 90% sure that we got it last January from my asymptomatic daughter who was contact traced at school.  The rest of the family got it and we were in bed for the next 1.5 weeks while she just did her thing with nothing appearing wrong.  We have been pretty careful and have a bubble of other families that we hang out with and none of them got it, so the only place I can think we got it from is my daughter who was asymptomatic the whole time.  Or that one time I went to HEB and passed a bunch of people and weren't around any of them for 15 min.  The asymptomatic transmission seems more likely.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. DSISD cases have doubled for students since last night 11 to 22 and employee almost tripled from 5 to 14.  This is just the beginning. 

    They couldn't find a sub for one of the teachers so 2 classes went out into a pod and one teacher taught both.  Now instead of one class being exposed you would have two in the event that someone was positive.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Yeah, that is a mixed message.  Out of curiosity, for those they recommend do quanrintine because of close contact AND symptoms---does your district allow for the student to dial in remotely during those 10 days?

    Not in DSISD.  There is no remote learning for students who choose to quarantine.  They essentially have to teach themselves and do the work on their own until they return to school.

    • Rage+1 1
  5. Dripping Springs took no action at the board meeting last night. Sent a message out that masks are strongly encouraged.

    While at the board meeting I was confronted by someone declaring that I was a plant to cause division since I was wearing a mask. Said “you don’t even have kids that go here”…turns out the Hay County Freedom Network sent a bunch of folks to Dripping to yell at the board. Every accusation is a confession.

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