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Posts posted by Vince_McCoy_Williams

  1. 16 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Why do you buy into conservative hysteria?

    I dont, I look at issues individually and logically, and more times than not, I find myself aligning with conservative economic principles, and some of the Republican and liberal social policies. So I typically vote Republican because I dont find liberal gun grabbing/abortion loving/social welfare spending/etc. to be a viable campaign platform to get my vote. 

    • Fuck You 1
  2. 2 hours ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    Bless your heart. Constantly made to look like a fool here but you keep coming back. 

    Such a fool I am, for not buying into the liberal hysteria, any day now Cruz will be upended by some liberal douche named Beto... LOL

    • Fuck You 1
  3. Just now, Grade of D as in David said:

    Oh shit, I must have missed the signed treaty that supercedes the Korean armistice agreement.

    In that case congratulations.

    Time will tell. Regardless, we should be happy progress towards calming a rogue nuclear state is being made. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

    Add to ignore, guys. It works even better on this site. 

    Hey, its 4th&Five, the guy who paraded around his young daughter as an activist at the women's march! Somebody get this guy a safe space stat!

    • Fuck You 2
  5. 4 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    WTF did Trump have to do with this?  Talk about derangement syndrome.  Fucking troll.


    So much hate burning inside you. Sad!

    I wish you the best in finding some internal peace. 

    • Fuck You 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Chad Fuck said:

    It's not just self awareness.  It's awareness of history.

    Let's say all of a sudden tomorrow the boy genius Jared has a photo op with Netanyahu and the leaders of Hamas or Saudi Arabia.  Are we all going to say, "Well, I guess that's peace in the Middle East then."

    Fuck no.  Those people been at each other's throats for just a couple years longer than NK and SK.  Anyone with any sense would approach with at least a touch of optimistic skepticism.  

    GTFO with spiking the damn football because Lil Kim shook some hands. 

    I didnt celebrate that North Korea is denuclearized, I am celebrating an end to a war and renewed diplomacy between North and South Korea. I definitely think it is something to celebrate. Im sorry you dont see it that way, the Koreans sure do. 

  7. A psychologist could write an entire thesis on Trump Derangement Syndrome with the insane levels of denial and goalpost moving in this thread. You think the guy is so fucking stupid and dumb that anything good that happens is completely out of happenstance. Welcome to the real world, where the driver of the bus gets the credit; just like Bush with the stock crash and Obama with the Bin Laden kill. It is time to admit that something good has taken place today and could be the foundation for a long-lasting peace between two bitter countries. It is a move in the right direction and those that think otherwise are being intellectually dishonest. 

    • Fuck You 1
  8. Just now, Mojo Hand said:

    Good point.  It's also the first time NK's leader entered talks with that exact haircut.  Totally unprecedented. 

    If you think that a powerful gesture like crossing into South Korea is akin to the triviality of a haircut, then you are the foolish one. 

  9. Just now, David Dennison said:

    Look, everything that's going on now has happened before. All of it. It eventually falls apart. 

    Let it play out. If it ends up with a denuclearized North Korea, then you should be happy. Until then, it's just rhetoric.

    I guess I missed the part where a Kim leader has crossed into South Korea in all those past instances. (Last time it happened was in 1953)

  10. Just now, Chrispy said:

    C’mon David, life can’t be that damn miserable can it? 

    Even if he did that, he would just move the goalposts again. "Donald Trump will get credit when Kim commits sepuku on worldwide television"

  11. 2 minutes ago, RPM said:

    News Flash: He didn't nail it and Imgur don't work on Surly.

    Well he did call his shot and did nail it, "Being nice to North Korea hasnt worked for 25 years, why would it work now? Clinton failed, Bush failed, and Obama failed. I wont fail." 

    Sounds like a Babe Ruth moment to me

  12. Just now, David Dennison said:

    It's been over for 60 years. 

    Strange, I heard all of the liberals bellyaching about how Trump rattling the North Korea cage was gonna cause the Norks to unload their artillery onto Seoul; were they imagining a war?

  13. 1 minute ago, Chrispy said:

    Wait, people are arguing the end of the Korean conflict is a bad thing?

    I can see the headlines now 

    Fox News: "Trump finds cure for cancer, humanity rejoices"

    MSNBC: "Thousands of oncologists losing employment due to Trump"

    CNN: "Here is why a cure for cancer could be a bad thing"

  14. Just now, Mojo Hand said:

    If Obama did this, you'd declare that the end of the world was coming. 

    No, Im intellectually honest enough to admit when a good thing is happening. I applauded the Bin Laden kill. Trump Derangement has prevented that honesty from liberals. 

  15. Just now, Mojo Hand said:

    It's bizarre how a possible meeting with no concessions on denuclearization is "Mission Accomplished" for Trump supporters, while an actual non-nuclearization deal with Iran that Trump's own SecDef admits has robust verification is an embarrassing disaster.    2+2=5.


  16. 2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    If his goal was to diminish our global standing, bravo.

    Ending a war diminishes our global standing? lol

    If Obama did this, his dick would be so far down your throat his balls would be massaging your chin

  17. 1 hour ago, DDD Dad said:

    Remind us how we stood up to NK?


    Or don’t. Actually, yeah. Don’t. 

    It is pretty obvious, sanctions, public denouncement, backdoor dealing with China, and threatening them with military action. You been living under a rock? 

    Give the man credit, he called his shot and nailed it. 


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