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Posts posted by Vince_McCoy_Williams

  1. 4 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    - "Fucking Marxist assholes!" - Shouted at a group well-known for being Marxists... *checks notes* the American Indians 

    - "Get a job!" I shout at protesters, while I am also not at work.

    - "What the fuck is wrong with you people?" I shout at strangers being totally normal and not mad, "Get a grip!"

    - Blonde woman throwing up the L at American Indians and mouthing "losers". lol Andrew Jackson fucked your shit up!

    - "(((Who hired))) these people? This is ridiculous!" I say to the camera because people don't like being used as racist caricatures

    Maybe we SHOULD kill all white people?

    Advocating for genocide? Who is we? 

  2. 4 minutes ago, VRHorn said:

    A whole bunch of people have answered this. Best guess is the following timeline, but it's a guess because there are essentially no leaks from Mueller.

    • Dems take House in November
    • Preliminary report and/or shitload of charges around December or January (if not sooner)
    • Dems start impeachment proceedings in February or March
    • Senate (?)
    • Profit

    Complete fantasy

    • Like 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    I'm a gun owner (five last time I checked) who favors a repeal of the Second Amendment.

    Go figure.

    Cool story, go get 75% of the states to overturn it and I will hear you out. Good luck with that. 

  4. 9 minutes ago, Brothahorn said:
    17 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:
    What does the word "hypocrite" mean?

    In your case, enjoying the use of semi-automatic rifles, but now wanting to ban them. So that your son or my son does not have the same right/privilege. And it's not because they did anything wrong, but simply because you think, you know best.

    Bad teammate is a 20 year old in college. I doubt he owns weapons of any kind. He just claims to own them so he can go, "Look at me, I own weapons, I am a 'common sense' gun owner that believes they should be banned." He thinks it bolsters his argument. Problem is, this little triggered snowflake titty bitch has never touched a gun in his life, he would soil his pants if he did.

    • Like 2
  5. 25 minutes ago, Brothahorn said:

    Thanks for posting this. We need to be reminded that the Ding-Dongs are not are the real majority. If you get caught up in the newspaper/TV, you start to wonder what happened to us. This man spoke from the heart and captured how the majority feels and that needs to celebrated. Not shunned.

    The ding-dongs may have a few minds, but until they capture the heart, there is still hope for America. As usual, the President Ding-Dong has more more hypocritical propaganda to push.

    Must spread

  6. 44 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Paul Nehlen, super racist guy running for office, doxxed an influential alt.righter in a fit of pique. lol eating their own



    You are a racist, and you call others racist to project your own racism onto others. You are the worst type of hypocrite. Sad

    • Fuck You 4
  7. 2 hours ago, triplehorn said:


    • Facebook was in talks with top hospitals and other medical groups as recently as last month about a proposal to share data about the social networks of their most vulnerable patients.

    Was protected information from Spectrum Health's large medical data base taken (given) for use in FB/CA/Russian IRA troll farm targeting in those northern flyover states ?

    This could come full circle back to reporting about Spectrum Health (DeVos family) and what data their server was transmitting in that triangle with Trump Tower and Russian Alfa Bank servers.  


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  8. 14 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Makes you wonder what it would take for Fox News to actually fire one of these degenerates for making such egregiously distasteful public comments.


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  9. 2 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors.



    Dude, he is comparing right wingers with Nazis, get a grip

  10. 31 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Jean Paul Sartre on anti-Semites - apt today for the political right in America


    lmao, seek help dude, you are completely unhinged, and I really mean it, you are certifiable 

    • Like 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, thrillhammer said:

    for 30 years the rightwing has preached and drummed and droned on and on about small government, less government intervention.  lets cut taxes, cut spending, and have fewer staff doing federal jobs.  that's been your mantra for 30 years plus.   oh but wait, now you say its the governments fault.  how disingenuous of you to hamstring a government, then blame them when they fail.  

    This has to be one of the most dishonest arguments I have ever seen. We have an incredibly bloated government, especially coming off 8 years of Obama. Blame can certainly be placed with the failures of the FBI and Broward police, as well as the kid himself. Who is not to blame though? The gun itself, people kill people. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, softlynow said:

    Views plural? He has one view, how to be president someday. He stands for nothing, least of all the interests of those who vote for him.

    That is a rather ridiculous statement. Sure he may desire to be president but he has stood firm on a number of issues. You are wasting your breath, I wont be voting for Beto and i will be voting for Cruz. 

    • Fuck You 1
  13. 29 minutes ago, Longhorn94 said:

    how can you support a guy who defends the man who ripped on his wife and dad? 

    I support the man for his political views. It is rather simple. 

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, thrillhammer said:

    would you agree you've accepted infringement on every other one of your constitutional rights?  you seem to be holding onto this one with your cold, dead hands.  do you remember several years back when congress was trying to balance the budget but the right had passed around a pact that they all signed onto saying no revenue increases.  so they come to the table to hammer out a deal when half the options are off the table.  it's a non-starter.  so is this position of right infringement.  we have limits, reasonable limits, on all our rights.  there is no reason to place reasonable limits on gun rights.  that's all we're talking about here.  something common sense. age limits, gun shows, bump stocks, silencers.  let's start with something small when can all agree on and see if it makes a difference.   

    "Common sense" is a discussion killer, it starts with the assumption that you have it and I dont. That I am some dotard incapable of seeing reason and you are just trying to hold my hand and enlighten me to your obvious logical brilliance.

  15. 2 hours ago, Mileslong said:

    where are these god given rights written down? are they on stone tablets?  i would like to peruse them and see which ones are given by god and which ones are given by politicians from the continental congress...

    Your arrogance and condescension is duly noted. You think the Founding Fathers are outdated fossils, cool. I dont, I think they created the greatest document in human history that has allowed us to become the most prosperous and free country in human history. 

  16. 5 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    Here's my idea:

    Have something similar to TSA pre check.  If you pass a thorough background check and an in person interview, you have a five year pass to buy assault rifles and high capacity magazines. You'd still be able to buy handguns and hunting type rifles without it but with your pre check like pass, you could buy whatever you want without any waiting period.

    That would keep the crazy people from buying an AR-15 at an Academy for one thing and no one's "rights" are taken away.

    I'd also like to see restrictions on high capacity magazines.  Assault rifles and what not are only a side issue.  The Virginia Tech shooter showed that you can do equivalent damage with handguns as long as you have the large magazines.  There are people alive today that are alive because a shooter had to reload.

    Sadly, the NRA won't even consider either of these.....

    A 5 year pass? And that means you would need a registry to track that. No thanks. 

  17. 2 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    Yeah, if Russia wanted to fund a large group in America that promoted fear and civil unrest with a potential of armed rebellion, they wouldn't get better ROI than the NRA.  The NRA had armed protestors screaming at teenagers this weekend for God's sake.


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