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Posts posted by Vince_McCoy_Williams

  1. 1 hour ago, David Dennison said:

    Oh, sweetie. None of this is happening because of Donald Trump.

    You're adorable.


    Yeah okay, keep telling yourself that. And the pads all around you in your cell are for decoration ; )

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  2. Just now, Biff Tannen said:

    I think we could all rest easy if nature would just take its course with him.  Sooner rather than later.

    you sound unhinged, hoping our president dies, seek help

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  3. 1 hour ago, FondrenRoad said:

    By letting NK get fully functional nukes.

    Seek help. Trump derangement syndrome is real. Everyone told me that we were gonna get the South Koreans nuked if we stood up to Kim and here we are... Time to eat some crow boyz

    • Fuck You 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    Wait a minute, weren't you one of the captains of the Obama birther train on the site that shall not be mentioned?

    No, my account wasnt even made until 2016, nice try

    In fact, I denounced all of that birther BS when others tried to bring it up (go check my posting history there)

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  5. 5 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

      Impeachment will never be likely, but Yesterday was the worst day of president Trump‘s time in office. Don’t kid yourself. 

    Sure, just like every other day was the worst, at a point it just gets ignored. I know that angry liberals are super in tune with the developments in regards to Russia and Mueller, and I am not shitting on you all, if Trump is actually guilty of collusion, then I am for his removal as well; but at this point, you all have screamed about the smoking gun so so so many times, that a majority of moderate liberals and republicans have completely tuned out this stuff. Unless something happens, a majority isnt paying that close of attention. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    Remember when there were a lot more of you in these threads? Ever stop to wonder why your population is dwindling?

    This has always been a circle jerk thread where all the liberals post their daily fantasy that Trump will be impeached. Who wants to deal with that? Lol. I mean honestly, this is like the birther shit with Obama, just, admittedly, a little more substance to it and, to be fair, a slightly higher chance of something actually happening. 

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  7. 6 minutes ago, relapse98 said:
    11 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:
    If you believe what he's said, which is setting you up as dumb.

    Look who you replied to.

    Ah yes, the guy wishing for the president to die calling me dumb, bold move. 

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  8. 2 minutes ago, TheFlyingBoat said:

    He started with more than a million. He was given a million dollars and then many million more in inheritance. It's also unclear due to the range of estimations of his net worth whether or not he would have been better off taking all the money his dad gave him and just putting it ab index fund. Most estimates by people that aren't Trump sycophants say that his net worth is certainly below the line where that would not be true. If he had just put his money in the S&P 500 index fund he'd be richer today. He is no financial whiz  

    Here is this dumbass tired argument again, he has an empire and name recognition that got him into the highest position of power in the world, and he has done very well for himself financially mind you. Yet you sit here and act like he shouldve just sit on his ass all these years and done nothing with his money. He used it build a brand, he invested it in many companies, he created businesses that employ our Americans and give them jobs; fuck your index fund, your armchair financial analysis is poor, he has done incredibly well with his money and all you can do to cut him down is say he could have slightly more with your hindsight analysis. Who is the real loser here? 

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    If you believe what he's said, which is setting you up as dumb.

    Lol, did he get a loan of a billion dollars? 

    Bottom line is, the dude has an empire worth far more than he started with, that is indisputable. 

    • Fuck You 2
  10. 1 minute ago, Chad Fuck said:

    How would we know?  He won't release his taxes. 

    Well he started with a million dollars and now has an empire that far exceeds that amount, so the debate you are setting up is dumb. 

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  11. 48 minutes ago, DDD Dad said:

    He is the epitome of the lesson on how to become worth a small fortune.

    (Narrator:  You start with a large fortune).

    He has more money now than in the past, but whatever fits your narrative

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