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Posts posted by Texas_Rocks

  1. Narrator: Nobody's leaving.
    We saw this with the DAPL protest in North Dakota.  A contingent of mostly psychos stayed THROUGH THE NORTH DAKOTA WINTER and were finally bribed to leave a few weeks before their village flooded from the spring melt.

    The Mayor said that she hoped Black leaders and alternative “resources” would convince the mob to vacate the area. I would not be surprised if a big part of those “alternative resources” include ransom payouts to some of the influential individuals that claim to be in power.

  2. Interesting. Aren’t there already threads in this forum for both of those?

    Or we could just have one big free for all forum with no threads.

    A few people in this forum have been posting in the same forum going back to HF and before. That place was heavily over moderated, but since ScattyBevo we really haven’t had too many individuals trying to dictate what and where shit is posted...unless it’s blatant CR crap.
  3. For years we’ve had multiple down syndrome individuals walking or biking around the neighborhood with family/caretakers. I believe that one incredible family has given a home to many of them. I do occasionally get the chance to interact with them for various reasons as they come by every day. It always tears at my heart when I notice that some of them just seem to disappear overnight. Had another one that lived right up the street with his 60+ year old brother for at least 15 years. The brother gets involved in something that results in himself getting killed by the police...leaving the DS guy all alone. Never saw him again. The whole deal really affected me. Not ashamed to admit that it brings a tear to my eyes at this moment.

    • Like 3
  4. OK, I'm going to re-hash some old grits over something that is stuck in my mind.
    The strangler/killer cop when kneeliyon Mr. Floyds neck keeping his hand in his pants pocket.  Seems to me that wasn't just happenstance or coincidence.  Was he somehow pushing down on his thigh to apply more pressure, bracing himself somehow so he would be more stable while pinning Mr. Floyd?  It just seemed odd and there must be some nefarious reason that was done.
    Thoughts? Any expert fighters on the Surl?

    Search for the longer video. His hand was never in the pocket. He was wearing a black glove that just made it look like his hand was in his pocket against his dark pants. To your point, he is absolutely using that hand to center/balance as much of his upper body weight on the victims neck. In the longer video you can see him lose his balance(because he’s basically on one knee) and then momentarily remove his hand from his knee and rebalancing himself by placing that hand on the car. He also skillfully gets up on his left toe to focus most of his lower body weight on the neck. He’s deservedly fucked imo.
    • Like 4
  5. Just like Apple to take simple useful app and turn it in to a completely useless piece of shit

    Have been foolishly using the latest Apple products since their first iPhone. Blame is clearly mine, but gotdamn I wish those cats would get back to innovation in general. F’ing camera improvements are out the ass though. I want a better phone, not a better camera that doubles as a smartphone.

    I will say that the water resistant ability was a huge improvement though. But still...
  6. JFC!!! No way to fix this without eliminating police unions with extreme prejudice. Some police union President just qualified a taser as a non lethal weapon in the hands of a cop, but a “deadly” weapon in the hands of a criminal...because cops are trained so well. He also suggested that if you feel that you’re in the right you should still peacefully “comply, go to court, or file a complaint and EVERYTHING will work out in the justice system.” Wow!

    In other words, the unions want NO change whatsoever.

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