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Posts posted by Texas_Rocks

  1. Watched CNN video coverage for about an hour, then watched Fox video coverage for about an hour. It really reminded me of the old “three sides to every story” analogy. It’s like both networks are reporting on separate events on different planets. Both are batshit crazy as fuck.

    • Like 3
  2. Say what you want about the blandness of living in exurbia and suburbia, but I'm sure glad to not be worried about my neighborhood or vehicles going up in flames these last few days. I can't even imagine and hope people have good insurance living in urban city centers.

    These days I’m like that with pretty much all concerts, sporting events, and riots. TV coverage and replays are so much better anyway.


    Of course there’s something to be said about being there sometimes too. Raider fans are gonna be like- “Man this makes me think how much I’m going to miss those home games”...after they get through looting Oakland.

    • Like 1
  3. A lot of you cats are completely missing the point. You don’t change police behavior by verbally/etc attacking entire police forces. PD union leaders should be taking it in the ass instead of getting to comfortably watch this shit on TV. A lot non murdering cops get away with all kinds of abuse as a result of union pressure on PDs. Shit builds up until a murder eventually detonates it. The court system that relies on cops to churn out convictions is a big problem too. When a productive bad cop shows up in court on charges of abuse, they get the benefit of the doubt...and the union is right there to make sure that happens.

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  4. Just got asked, "What's the point in all these places, other than Minneapolis?" 
    Had to admit that I don't really know. Some are "in support" of the Floyd protests, but ... what's the point?
    When I was consulting, I used to tell clients to describe how things would be when their project was completed, from how they personally would interact with it, down to how their day-to-day business would be changed.
    I'm asking that question here. What do we/they want? When the protests are done, what do we/they have to show for all the work? 
    What's the fucking objective?

    KVUE reporter said that “for lack of better words, it’s sort of a festive atmosphere.”

    These young people have for the most part been pent up as a result of the virus issue. IMO a lot of them are just getting out of the house out of boredom. 10 to 15 years from now most everyone in that crowd will be watching a similar display from the comfort of their homes as we are...because there is zero chance that they’re changing anything.
  5. While out riding a few days ago I came around a corner and noticed a long and fat snake crossing the trail. I grabbed a handful of throttle and ran right over it. Friend behind me said it landed right in front of him in the roost and then slithered away. Though mofo.

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