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Posts posted by Texas_Rocks

  1. That SNL still exist is pretty amazing. The comedic value is consistently not much higher than zero. One forgettable no talent cast after another has really taken a toll over the years.

  2. We’re really still pretty much at the starting line in this mess. I expect that we’ll see shit blowing up by the end of the summer. I’ve talked to a few people that are far more terrified at just not knowing how long/far that federal and local government will go to stretch this out.

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  3. Walked out by the pool and informed the wife that “we’ll likely not see them”. A few seconds later came the sound, then five of them flat hatted it right over the top of us with the solo and chase plane arriving about 1/2 second later. Air Force all the way in this family and have seen the teams perform several times over the years and I still get a rush from seeing them for 2.5 seconds.

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    • Haha 1
  4. We’re not big fans of HEB curbside p/u for a couple of reason, but the primary reason is that HEB frequently has outdated or nearly outdated food products mixed in with freshly stocked product.

    Hopefully the curbside service will eliminate some of that as the HEB pickers pull items without checking the expiration dates. On the other hand I do feel bad for the customers that get home and discover that shit.

  5. That fucker has become really annoying.  Douche move getting it, loves the attention he's getting from getting it.

    Was watching CNN interview some guy that was apparently self quarantining himself. Didn’t think much of until the a banner at the bottom of the screen indicated it was Chris Cuomo. Me- “No fucking way! That’s Cuomo?!?”

    I guess they cake on the makeup for his TV work, but I was honestly surprised at how different he looked.

    And oh yeah, he was joking around and generally seemed pretty excited about having contracting the virus. Bizarre
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