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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fastbreak

  1. Fuck this guy 

    He wouldn’t re-sign with my Hornets rebuild in NBA2k20. I drafted and put 5 years into developing him. 

    He ended up in HOF. 53rd in points, 26th in rebounds. 

    I’m in the 2045 season. Total points leaders are interesting. 
    1. Emoni Bates 47,505

    2. Lebron

    3. Lebron Jr -599 from dad 

    4. Jalen Green

    My man LeMelo is #1 all-time in assists. 17,688

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  2. On 5/18/2020 at 3:10 AM, BrickHorn said:
    4 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

    The one thing not fat on his Jabba-the-hut body is his thin skin. Exhausting.

    We have the most vile and disgusting person in the country as our president. Winning?

  3. On 5/14/2020 at 10:54 PM, Viper said:

    an interesting presentation I came across recently. Some of the data was surprising.





    Not sure what it means for Singapore. We have been on lockdown for 5 weeks. All non-essential businesses are closed.  I haven’t been in the office for almost 2 months. I still have to scan my ID or use an app if I go to any Grocery store. 

  4. 43 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    It's definitely been established that the outbreak in Wuhan probably started in November.

    The lab theory is a little much for me to buy right now, and I'm certainly no fan of the Chinese government. Their initial response seems too clueless for that. They didn't seem to comprehend what they were dealing with.

    There is a lab researching covid viruses is 300 yards from this wet market.

    The market does not offer the kind of bats that carry covid.

    “Patient 0” from the market said she had no contact with exotic animals and says she got it from a shared toliet. 

    A team from the Wuhan lab made a trip to study the bats who do carry this virus 1000km away.

    One of that team has disappeared and been scrubbed from existence.  

    it seems pretty clear cut...

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Treefidy said:

    See, now that's how you shift the Overton Window.   Go hard right telling people you are shutting everything down, then peel back on a few concessions you don't really give a shit about to get the people to willingly comply with what you really want.

    Imagine in the 2000's if you told people you would have to show up to the airport 2+ hours early, wait in long security lines for searches, only ticketed passengers at gates, and you basically had to leave your rights at the door.  No way that would fly.  We could show up 5 min before a flight with no security, birthing as much baggage as your could carry, and have family meet you at the gate.

    So tell them to you want them to show up 5 hours early, get strip searched and probed, no luggage allowed carry-on, and everyone is shackled to their seat for the duration of the flight.   Then walk it back to the middle.

    9/11 was 2001 my dude. The shoe bomber was before that. Flying has not been simple since the mid 80s. 

  6. We are fucked. I went to grocery store here (Singapore) on Saturday. Where i shop has tons of restaurants and bars, all of them were packed. I just turned around and went home.

    People think it is over here. They are even letting the kids go back to school today (because children can't get it - WTF).  The last 5 days have seen the highest numbers, with Friday being the highest. We had the first 2 deaths here as well.  People are nuts.


     Image result for singapore cases chart march 20

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  7. On 2/7/2020 at 9:11 PM, LonghornJudas said:

    I played this and FPS Baseball in a number of online leagues. So much fun. Disappointed that Basketball never came out.

    I came today looking if people were playing MLB TheShow20 and ran into this thread. 

    i was the game director of FPS:basketball back in the day. RIP. I took over baseball after basketball was cancelled and worked on the football games as well. Good times. 

    • Like 2
  8. Transcript of call...

    BOB: I’m looking to trade Hopkins. I need a 1st round pick back. 

    Cards: We can’t go a first, but we can give you a 2nd. We’ll need a 4th rounder back. 

    BOB: I’m listening! But I need more. Hopkins is a good player. 

    Cards: We need to clear a roster spot. We don’t want to do this but we can add Johnson. 

    BOB: seriously? He is a great player!  Deal done!

    Cards: good doing business with you. Bye!




    Cards: lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

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