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tx 3 putt

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Everything posted by tx 3 putt

  1. Josh Hader's last 10 appearances: 13.1 IP, 4 H, 1 ER, 4 BB, 21 K, .091/.167/.182 and a .349 OPS against.
  2. You goto a baseball game and you never know what you might see …..
  3. I think I’m about to go a French press. My local coffee stand roasts their own beans and I love their drip. The girl working there even offered to come over to show me the right grind and drip time
  4. It’s very easy to imagine being there ….
  5. Is the ncaa or schools setting up the fund for these new employees injured during their college years ? they’ll need a check and medical care for life
  6. she wasn’t on the vip floor
  7. I was there all day Wednesday, did not see her
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