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tx 3 putt

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Everything posted by tx 3 putt

  1. I really really like 8 men out hated the Ty Cobb movie
  2. forgot to add, it was a huge relief for me. it sounded like Little Rock’s were hitting my house + the high winds. I thought for sure I had damage. Lot of shingles out on the street
  3. @UTPhil2006 works with a roofing guy. He already came and inspected my place
  4. Honda has always been considered top of the line id look at anything Costco stocks because you can always return
  5. natural gas powered back up is the way imo
  6. I would buy from the local generac store
  7. Everything outside 610 sucks, except the men’s club
  8. He’s a good coach, the right energy For this team He was my only other choice for hc. Anyone saying Bucky Shoalwater should be kicked in their Mangina
  9. brown and staff nailed Scott and Carantini espada was an internal guy, he’d been around this locker room since 2018, not exactly a blind rookie hire. Washington should have got an interview I think he would have been a good fit here. not sure who else I’d like for this team
  10. huge learning moment for Diaz and he showed the staff to trust his calls
  11. my top 5 baseball movies …. 1. League of Their Own 2. The Natural 3. Bad News Bears 4. Pride of the Yankees 5. Major League / Bingo Long Traveling All Stars and Motor Kings / Fever Pitch / Field of Dreams
  12. no way in hell is trump going to have a person in a wheelchair around him. it's bad look for the trump brand and just a bummer there's only room on stage for one guy in a diaper !!!!
  13. whitmire has one job, if needed - his job is to agree with Abbott / Texas maga gqp that CoH and Harris County election results are rampant with fraud SB 1750 was passed to be used in times of maga gqp emergency. Having a puppet in place helps I voted for SJL keep R’s out of Harris county
  14. 🥺🥺🥺🥺 Joe Espada, Framber Valdez and Yainer Diaz all said that Valdez went away from the gameplan in the seven-run fifth inning "Yainer did a really good job calling pitches. I was the one that decided to try and change the game plan. I had to deal with the consequences," Valdez said Yainer Diaz: "I could try to force him to throw a certain pitch, but he knows how he feels and how his pitches feel. He makes the decision." "This is the first time this has happened, but maybe me as a catcher, I should have forced him more to throw certain pitches."
  15. Ace on the mound, low pitch count. Have to let your horse run. Warming up someone after 1 hr isn’t the norm. Maybe they start stretching after two. Not sure if they had enough to get ready after he #2. Curious who are quickest BP arm is to get ready bad night for Astros pitching
  16. he’s risking his life acting like that in north DFW / southern okie they love dear leader up there
  17. this L is on framber. Haven’t seen him blow up like this in awhile. Hopefully it’s a one time episode Also I think my Uber driver home was shitting her pants the whole way home. That was wicked
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