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Armybrat last won the day on May 12

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  1. Maybe the Feds who are monitoring the gun owners thread here on Surly heard something. 😀
  2. Yep, that entire game was a blatant gang rape by the refs as a retirement gift for Teaff. He should’ve been embarrassed by the obvious corruption.
  3. Early in the evening of July 3rd I started having a severe a-fib attack and was in bad enough shape to start discussing with Mrs. Brat about calling 911. A few minutes later before she even picked up her phone, a Wilco deputy knocked on our front door to ask if someone was having a medical emergency. He did say our address was on record of having prior medical emergency calls. Less than 5 minutes later the Sam Bass FD showed up followed closely by the EMS. We did not call any of those folks at all. We do not have an Alexis, nor have we ever used Siri. My pacemaker has a Bluetooth, but the monitor was 30’ away in our bedroom. Obviously, one of our electronic gadgets is eavesdropping and blabbing to somebody or some computer elsewhere without our knowledge.
  4. Pardon the hijack, but this Sig P365X Texas Ranger is only a few months old. Carry on….
  5. I & my wife get the boosters to lessenthe severity of the symptoms in case we catch it. But we’ve been lucky so far and haven’t caught the bug yet. We don’t wear masks, we carry hand sanitizers, and when we go out to dine at restaurants we go at the least busy hours. One of my sons and his two boys were vaxxed, but they’ve had the Covid 2 or 3 times each. Not deathly ill, but still pretty sick fot the better part of a week each time.
  6. Armybrat

    Getting old sucks

    He’s only one year older than me.
  7. Having a stupid distraction like getting those assholes to stop throwing shit on the field interferes with his coaching. He’s got enough to worry about as it is.
  8. Any of the assholes who threw their water bottles onto the field. They all should volunteer to get together and run a few laps and windsprints in atonement. Or maybe run the steps.
  9. We should be better than those poorly educated rednecks.
  10. If Coach Sarkisian tells y’all to stop throwing shit on the field then you better goddam well stop doing it immediately, and don’t do that lowbrow shit again.
  11. That Bradley in Kursk warms the cockles of my heart after so many years. A Russian made RPG killed my closest cousin in Vietnam 54 years ago. He was a good dude.
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