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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by PhillyD

  1. I think Texas could push back on showing high school games.  It feels like Deloss totally rolled over on that one and didn't even try to fight.

    Non football wise, in the last few years, the network has missed out on preseason basketball games that had a lot of interest.  In addition, there doesn't seem to be any interest in showing spring sports outside of softball and baseball.  Baseball should be shown live whenever possible and never be taken off the air for a blowout softball game.  I'd rather watch some swim meets than another repeat of Texas-USC.  I do think they do a good job on volleyball.  Not sure about soccer, I can barely stomach watching that.

    In football, Lowell Gallindo sucks as a host and as the "go to" host,  he's a fucking dork  Find another Kaylee Hartung and when they move up, find another one.  Don't go back to the dork. I'd like to see a lot more buildup towards the upcoming opponents in football each week.  This is a dumb example, but I would talk up every football opponent as being a huge threat to us (a la Mack Brown or Lou Holtz) and focus on key match ups with a really good player or two of the other team.  Texas is a knowledgeable football state and there could be a show with a focus on actual X's and O's each week.  I'm sure there are a lot more ideas out there that people more qualified than me could emphasize but those are just a few off the top of my head.

  2. Random thought.  

    Longhorn Network hasn't been what I wanted it to be.  This guy, if he has the time, could make that happen.  A combination of is being good again in football and him putting some time into the network could make that the weapon I thought it could be.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, GotThatFire said:

     Sometimes when I read these aggy threads, I kind of feel as though I’m laughing at the autistic kid in the back of the cafeteria that’s repeatedly hitting himself in the head with a full Coke bottle.  Anybody ever felt that way before? And if so how did you get past it? 

    Aggy isn't the autistic kid in the back of the cafeteria.  It's the dork who always tries to fit in with the cool kids.  He talks about what a badass his navy seal older brother is (his brother really works on a ferry boat).  It's the guy at the table, who when the other guys start talking about their girlfriends, he starts talking about his girlfriend who "goes to another school."  It's the guy who claims he will fight someone and kick their ass but is nowhere to be seen when that opportunity arises.  Aggy is not autistic.  He's just a dork who tries too hard to fit in.


    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, ousux said:
    15 hours ago, Modessit said:
    Can't sleep? There's a certain game from 2011 about to start on LHN.

    I've seen that movie before, everything about it sucks until the last minute or so. Killer ending though..

    lulz.  I can only watch the last drive of that game.  We were so f'ing inept that only the aggy in them prevented them from running away with it.  Hell of a defensive job by them in that last drive.

  5. 2 hours ago, texasstrong12 said:

    In 3 years at A&M this is who Beaty helped A&M land as the primary or secondary recruiter: 

    Myles Garrett (#2 national recruit)

    Speedy Noil (#10 national recruit)

    RSJ (#24 national recruit)

    Nick Harvey (#60 national recruit)

    Frank Iheanacho (#88 national recruit)

    Sebastian Larue (#144 national recruit)

    Kam Miles (#146 national recruit)

    Laquvionte Gonzalez (#156 national recruit)

    Daeshon Hall (#177 composite recruit)

    Ishmael Wilson (#215 composite recruit)

    Kenny Hill (#241 composite recruit)

    Nobody in state wants to see Beaty as a position coach at Texas. He will be a problem on the recruiting trail. 

    Not only can he recruit, he can actually coach our receivers to block.  I'd love to have him as WR coach.

  6. 16 hours ago, Hook1997 said:

    Wow, you are so right.   Story to come after I leave the bar!  Also got pics of the ring and her.  Does imgbb links for pics work here?

    So how long do before we start negging for lack of follow-through?

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, PvilleStang said:


    10849002    WHITTED    KYLER    1820221    06/16/2018    2716-0 CRIMINAL TRESPASS

    10849113    WHITTED    KYLER    1820329    06/17/2018    2418-0 PEDESTRIAN ON ROADWAY


    Someone buy Kyler a bottle.  There is some lulz potential with this one while he perfects his mugshot pose.

  8. 3 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

    Here's a photo that has never been seen by anyone.  One of my readers was going through some slides taken by his father when he came across this photo of DKR on October 4, 1952, when # 5 Texas played # 19 Notre Dame. Score is 14-3, Notre Dame. Ended up being the final score.  



    There aren't a ton of good quality pictures during this era.  This picture is amazing.  any chances there were more pictures of the stadium and surroundings that day?

  9. 1 hour ago, skipperj said:

    Mainly, that it is trying too hard to recreate Shaggy instead of creating its own identity.

    This is an interesting take.  I think one of the differences is that there are a bunch of posters missing and there is not really anything, right now, drawing in new visitors.  I'm assuming football season may change some of that, but it's going to take some creative and talented posters to bring that kind of draw again.  Some of the most creative/talented posters on shaggy aren't posting the same kind of content that they did in the past.  My opinion isn't that it is trying to hard, the content is just not what it was.

    You could also argue since Shaggy was torn away, that Surly is supposed to be a replacement.  Why should it have its own identity?

    And since none of that is really about Tapa, I'll post a Tapa comment here.  I never use it anymore  because the mobile version of this site is easier to use.  For the folks who posted lots of gifs and pics, that's probably not true, but as someone who mostly lurks, I hate the way Tapa works now for Surly compared to the way it worked on Shaggy.


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