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Posts posted by Longhorn_Fan68

  1. 49 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Unless McConnell is ready to hand the Senate over to the democrats, I don’t think Kavanaugh gets confirmed.

    Perhaps that’s a sacrifice McConnell is willing to risk?

    At this point, I can’t tell how valuable Kavanaugh is to the big picture GOP. 

    Seems to be pretty important. This still feels like a bought/sold position and that Kavanaugh either has dirt on prominent R's or is willing to let them do whatever they want as SCOTUS judge.

  2. I love watching Republicans squirm here. They had a chance to affirm a very reasonable and centrist candidate in Garland, but they chose to obstruct. So when this nomination process hits the 400 day mark, then the pubs might have something to bitch about. In the meantime, take your medicine and quit crying, you fucking babies. Apparently they can dish it, but not take it.

    • Like 3
  3. 8 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    If so, you HAVE to give the Dems the +1 and the W here. They have really politicked and played this mastefully so far, as a disinterested, third party Gary Johnson/Beto voter.

    well, it shouldn't be hard to win when you're going up against the special ed B team

  4. 22 minutes ago, irishtexan said:

    Mr. President, what sound do your farts make?



    I've seen some terrifying shit in my life, but that might top all of them combined. I toyed with the idea of moving to Prague. Seriously giving that shit another thought.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    The old adage - Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.

    Don't matter if it was Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Jimbo Fisher, etc., R candidate = vote.

    what if it was Mack Brown?

  6. 4 minutes ago, American Swindle said:

    I see hella Beto Signs, but no Cruz Signs....where are all the Cruz supporters?  Why aren't they so outspoken for their guy like those that support Beto?



    Because at the heart of it, no one is FOR Cruz. They're for the R. That's all that matters.

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  7. I guarantee someone told him something along the lines of, “if you’re just quoting someone else’s words, no one can say you are obstructing justice.” It’s a relatively new strategy, but one he employs now almost 100% of the time he says something dumb on Twitter.
    Holy shit, that's highly likely
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