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Posts posted by Longhorn_Fan68

  1. He stopped separating families. While his border policy is still an atrocity, he did backpedal on kidnapping kids.
    I know it’s a raindrop in an ocean of evil shit but he’s still contained for some part.
    He hasn’t fired Sessions, Rosenstein, or Mueller even though everyone knows he wants to.  His military leaders are ignoring his stupid orders.  
    While he’s still politically influential, I’d say he’s become less powerful as time has gone on in his presidency.
    He rants about the Russia investigation every day but does nothing about it.
    Did he?:
  2. On 9/10/2018 at 8:57 AM, ShaggyBevo RIP said:

    Looking for advice from those that have upped their involvement.  We've always voted but haven't given much financial support to candidates nor done any grassroots work. Now, we gotten off the sidelines and are hosting a fundraiser and incumbent state rep candidate in our home in a couple of weeks.  Female incumbent with a female focused group; I may be the only male around for it. We are living in the MidWest presently.

    Advise from the other newbies that have gotten off the sidelines?

    My life through college was mostly apolitical. My parents never really talked politics at home and I grew up in a fairly insulated household. As time wore on I began  to feel restrained by the lack of information I had in the political realm and because of it I rarely engaged anyone because I was simply uniformed. That proceeded through the Bush years, and I still remained mostly on the political sidelines.

    Honestly, it took a candidate like Obama* showing up. I ate up the rhetoric and as someone who voted for Bush the first time around, I was WAY more excited this candidate. I campaigned for him, as best as my schedule would allow. We voted in the primaries for the first time (it was only THEN I even learned what the primary process was all about). My ex even became a delegate and went to the state convention. 

    I coasted through Obama's 8 years. Reading the old board and chuckling at what I thought was benign disdain and extremism against Obama. The message was there, in hindsight, it was just being VERY poorly delivered. 

    Then came Bernie. And I was as or more excited about him as I was with Obama. I repeated the same process from 2008. Bernie lost. I got disinterested and that quickly moved to concern as I watched in horror as the current trainwreck started to unfold. I think I need a good showing this November. Even if the Dems don't get much movement, a strong showing at the polls will make me feel better. As long as the people make their voice heard, I believe in the system. When people sit on the sidelines and do nothing, well, that's how we get what we have now. I am as guilty as anyone.

    I think like many of us, the events of the last two years or so have shaken me to my core. I am guilty of letting that make me complacent. I am pulling myself out of that mindset and trying to rally my enthusiasm behind candidates like Beto. If I'm being honest I am probably more excited about the prospect of voting against every R I can find. But that aside, I think this November will go a long way to dictating the future of this nation. We seem to be saying this a lot lately, but this is probably one of the more important elections in our lifetime. If not the most important.

    If you have ever thought that your vote doesn't count, vote anyway. Try it. I was a longtime "what's the point" guy, but I learned it was really hard to have a legitimate bitch if I didn't participate. This image sticks with me:


    *I voted for Obama four times. Both primaries and both generals. I think he was by and large the best president in my lifetime. I turn 40 this year, you do the math. Did I think he was perfect? Of course fucking not. There's a lot of things he could have done better. But he did a lot well, too. I felt the proudest to be an American during his tenure. Do with that what you will.

  3. A friend of my gf (no pics) made an interesting comment yesterday: there are two Trumps - one in the red tie that you see out and about; the other with a blue tie, always in the oval office, and always sitting. 

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