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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Longhorn_Fan68

  1. 51 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Back off, man -- salty women of a certain age are within MY dominion.  I'm married to one, and I may need to start dating another.

    The problem is, if Bama Chick and my wife ever got together, I'm pretty sure that it would quickly devolve into them becoming fast friends and making fun of me.  My fantasies never really play out right.

    you'd be obsolete. don't do that to yourself

    • Haha 1
  2. admitting you're wrong is always good. however, no one can blame you, because we are in an alternate dimension and this is new to everyone. the handicappers are having a helluva time keeping up

  3. 1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

    While one should know the law of local jurisdiction.....I have had shotgun shells in some part of my vehicle (car and truck) for most of the past 30+ years.  Hell, even some strays that fell out when a box opened, and went down into the spare tire well.

    This story is pretty "nothing."

    I know, hence the "oopsy" and not "holy shit!"

  4. 8 minutes ago, Anastasis said:


    Well I was referring to the theory being promoted up thread that Kavanaugh had paid off blackmail money to his hs crush to keep her quite about an abortion, you fucking retard. Although I can see that wasn’t quite clear enough.


    I don’t think that making abortion illegal is the best solution. I think that generally evolving our society such that it recognizes the intrinsic value of life is a better solution. And further I think that we can reduce the number of abortions with some very simple solutions that should be acceptable to #bothsides. But please, do go on.

    Sorry I reacted to the words that you you wrote. :P

    I agree 100% on your second points. Abstinence-only is fucking regarded bullshit. Teach kids to practice safe sex and avoid trips to the doctor, or accept your little sweetheart is either going to have a kid she can't raise or she will have to terminate. 

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  5. 3 minutes ago, yoladu said:

    one would wonder without access to a safe abortion, how his life might have been forever altered? I would say the odds would be against a 17 year old, supporting and raising a baby/child while managing to graduate High School with honors, then going to Yale, then Yale Law School.

    he wouldn't want others to have the same opportunities?

    if they're white, sure

  6. Just now, Lagunamadre said:

    Hopefully, although unlikely. When you get out of the cities, this state is full of too many Tony Sopranos. 

    and that's the problem. too many people in their ignorance bubbles, especially in rural areas. There are still a lot of people who are born and die in the same town, or at least the same county. and they're often poor, so they don't have money to travel. they don't have good educations. all they know is bibles and guns. they're nice to the black family down the street, but secretly wish they would move. they don't know any gay or trans people and the only information they have about those people is highly distilled and pretty far from the truth. I could go on and on.

    it always has and always will come down to education and life experience. if you aren't educated, you can be easily duped. and if you only hang around people like you, you're very quickly going to want everyone to be like you. it's easier and more comforting that way. acceptance is hard.

    • Like 1
  7. Dana Loesch is pure fucking evil.

    I hope she shoots herself in her face while cleaning her hot pink lady gun.

    But doesn’t die. And has to spend the rest of her miserable life in horrible pain with a disfigured face that’s such a horror it makes little children point at her and say mean things about her.

    I wish nothing but the worst for her and everyone she loves.
    Remind me to stay on your good side
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