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Posts posted by Mdhorn

  1. 2 hours ago, FondrenRoad said:

    We haven't lost hardly any of the people who execute policy either even though Trump would like to make big cuts.  It isn't like the EPA has had wholesale layoffs.  And it isn't like Pruitt, or McCarthy before him, are the ones who show up when a company dumps lead in your river.  The only difference now is that agents are being paid to twiddle their thumbs.  In 2020, I'm sure they'll remember how to put the hammer down.

    And just because Zinke wants to sell off National Parks to the highest bidder, that doesn't mean that the park rangers who are still employed by the NPS suddenly dropped their ideals too.

    The parks were already undermanned and now they're underfunded as well.  That's not buying replacements for those retiring or officials that left.  The top positions in a lot of places such as the Census, EPA and others lost their top officials.  That certainly doesn't help an organization.  And funding definitely has been cut for these departments as well as any technology going forward.  How are they supposed to study something that you can not define by a specific term?  Websites were scrubbed of studies for global warming or anything related.  That's a hindrance to the Navy that has filed for actions on rising sea levels, NASA, and whatever other scientific research is offered.  Hey, let's get back to coal isn't helping the solar industry. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Fozzz said:

    With the Clinton machine no longer in the way, I could see someone like Gillibrand winning the Dem nom in 2020 on a platform that includes some social democratic features (jobs guarantee being one).  Who knows if that ever turns into policy though.  

    Really, the Clinton machine that rolled over when Obama took the presidency for 8 years while she only got older.  Had Biden run, he very well could've won the nomination.

  3. 1 hour ago, Fozzz said:

    How much effort did Hillary’s team expend on emphasizing collective bargaining, increasing minimum wage, etc., vs stressing that Donald the dotard wasn’t a “normal” Republican?  That campaign was engineered to target suburban whites that found Trump and his more explicit racism/xenophobia too icky. 

    She did all of that--she'd stump for an hour on policies and the only part that got televised was the portion about Trump. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Dirk X West said:

    I agree with that, but what it's come to is, instead of pulling things back in the right  direction - which to me is back to the left - the Democrats have conceded the terms of the debate and are just fighting for the status quo.  You may disagree, but I suspect that that's partly because they are content with the status quo.  I mean, isn't that a big reason that Hillary lost, because she thought that support from minorities along with economically well off liberals (i.e. people happy with the status quo) was enough to win? 

    You've already f'd it up--Hillary lost because she didn't get support from minorities.  She didn't get support from a lot of places and even still got more votes in the election.  Didn't help that Russians were playing Bernie and Hillary supporters off each other.  I don't know how many times I read supposed Bernie supporters saying there was no difference between Trump and Hillary, therefore they weren't going to vote.  Republicans are going to vote Republican regardless of whether it's a Russian in Republican clothing or a Putin supporter.  That's a fact.  Just ask Mitch McConnell. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Amobie said:

    Prior to joining Trump, Cohen was doing commercial real estate deals in NYC and beat Trump out of a few properties.  Trump felt embarrassed because someone with much less capital than him, scooped up properties he was eyeing.  He was getting paid as if he was a consultant but was classified as legal council so Trump wouldn't look bad.  That's why his legal practice had so few clients.  Trump was paying him to help on commercial real estate deals and save himself from potential embarrassment. 


    Heard that this was why Cohen was already being investigated separately--shady Russian real estate deals.

  6. 39 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    I agree with all of this.  At minimum, Mueller knows definitely whether or not Cohen was in Europe during this time frame.  But I don't think we can read much into not having that info publicly yet.  If he took a commercial flight, we'd need a leak from customs, but then again customs could also leak that he didn't take a commercial flight, so no leak doesn't say anything either way.  And if he took a private flight or Russian submarine, confirmation would be even harder to come by. 


    had it benefited the current president or staff, it would've leaked long ago from customs because they would have Nunesed it out. 

  7. 4 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Jim Carrey going hard in the paint. 


    looks like he did that with markers.  Oh well, Sean's swimming to the pucker or urchin at the bottom.

  8. 1 hour ago, bolverk said:


    I'm of the mind that we're going to have to get a whole lot more creative in naming this thing since it will likely surpass any political scandal we've seen in our lifetimes or, potentially, that of the Republic. But if we're going to stick with the "gate" theme, I'm inclined to go with Floodgate.

    I dunno, there's a whole lot of Russiagate in there as well.  

  9. 10 minutes ago, Grandioso said:

    Sean Hannity, Donald Trump, Michael Cohen, Roy Cohn, Julian Assange, Roger Stone:

    Peas in a fucking pod. I can't listen to any of them without wanting to take a shower. 

    I honestly think Roy Cohn might be the best of the bunch.

    Nope, he's the glass that held that douche cocktail together.  Trump stirred it and then served it to his followers that drank and drank and couldn't get enough douche.  Now, we've all been shown the ingredients and are laughing like hell because we didn't want to touch it.  

  10. 39 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

    Hey, it would be great if we were serious about Syria; had the best interests of the population in our plans, coordinated with partners and had a good plan to execute.  I am highly skeptical that any of that happened. This is theater until proven otherwise. If it knocks out their ability to lob gas shells, that's great. I'm not optimistic that was the goal or is an achievable one by airstrikes. 


    well now, it DID get some coordination


    Our allies have to be skeptical too.  Overcommit and they will find themselves hanging in the breeze while Trump does what he does with his people around him--allow them to take the punishment.  

  11. 41 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Actually good legal advice 

    It is but it'll be wasted with the first distraction afterwards.  Alan probably had some reservation when they brought a well done steak to his table and the POTUS commenced to cutting it with a spoon, or this is how I imagine it. 

  12. 15 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Everything is going to be okay.  The midterms are all that matters.  The investigation will not stop regardless of Trump’s actions.

    My concern is whether Devin, Trump, Ryan and co. are able to get their hands on any of Muellers findings they've been trying to destroy up to now.  They're not going to be content with just firing Mueller if the evidence remains.  And they've shown dumb ingenuity about getting around security limitations and challenging what they are allowed to do. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Trump should have been impeached the moment he fired Comey and admitted it was because of the Russia investigation.

    He should have been impeached after Charlottesville.

    He should have been impeached after wanting to partner up with Putin on cyber security.

    He should have been impeached after he leaked  top secret intelligence to Russian spies in the Oval Office.

    Principles left the GOP long ago.

    and when they were trying to establish back channels.  There's a whole host of times.  Ryan should have disciplined Devin Nunes when he recused himself and then continuously interfered.  Ryan has no spine and there's a reason for this.  He's probably involved as well.  


  14. 4 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

    Sure there may be a huge amount of seats flipped, but I don't think the Dems are going to gain control of the Senate. It's still depressing to see a large part of our country completely reject the principles on which it was founded because it makes the libs mad.

    they're the ones susceptible to Wayne Pierre telling them the liberal rich 1%ers with their educations want to take their guns away.  There's no fixing stupid.

  15. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The affluenza defense...lol

    Kinda what I was getting at.

    The point I was trying to make was Trump is no criminal mastermind but he has always been a survivor.

    He’s never had to face any serious consequences so he’s in uncharted territory on a personal level and he’s handling it poorly.

    He’s a cornered rat and he thinks he can miracle his way out of it like he always does but it’s not going to work this time.  Even if he doesn’t get impeached, the remainder of his life will likely be increasingly miserable.

    The story of Donald Trump is a true American tragedy.


    screw that--Trump put himself in position of mastermind.  Remember how he knew more than his generals and had a high IQ, one of the smartest and best people ever? He surrounded himself with other rats that would swear fealty to his dumb self so he could be king.  F'K HIM.  Saying he isn't a criminal mastermind is dismissive and I want him treated like the huge threat he pretends to be.  Christ, he's leader of the free world, he damn sure is a threat.  He thought he could run his scam from the highest position in the free world and his fall should be tremendous.  He was ruthless to get to the point and should be treated so.  The whole Republican party should be treated as a criminal enterprise for allowing this to continue unabated daily.    

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