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Everything posted by Mdhorn

  1. The NFL has neutered defenses for higher scoring offenses.
  2. They redefine what’s a catch to favor the offense.
  3. Pretty wild how they rule the receiver didn’t take three steps so no fumble but dragging a toe is a possession.
  4. Nothing on Hill and Malik Muhammad? Strange. Wonder what happened to them.
  5. Just looks like small government at work. Nothing to see here folks, move along gif. Who signs on to this shit? People must really hate socialism to allow these old males all up in their daughter's uterus.
  6. My dad finally just left it on the side of the road.
  7. Holeee fuck--that first post takedown should be framed and hung on a wall in Blanton, it's so damn beautiful. Or as a side note, always good to see a dumb. racist aggy ass get branded and taken for a ride around the 40.
  8. This isn't a way to maintain power for very long, nor does it strengthen the US in any way or keep it safe. Let's vote for the dumbest motherfuckers so that they can boot the intelligent ones off of the committees that ensure Democracy and its defense, and fill their seats with even dumber, ethically challenged trolls. Hah, that'll show everybody. And only good things will sprout from this cavern we're digging beneath the floor of Congress.
  9. Reading some of the comments is even tougher. On yahoo, it's far worse but that's what I get for looking at a public board. I don't even want to imagine the comments on TexAgs. Brutal, and really, really ugly. I wish groups like Fox would watch this and say, hey, we were wrong and this is very concerning regarding prior violent rhetoric, while also claiming christian victimization at other times. But, we all know what will win out. Cheers, to hoping nobody dies.
  10. Saturday looks especially fun with BRMC, Black Angels and the Raveonettes:
  11. How would they get past the Secret Service to get that close to an ex president? Trump can't say he didn't know them--he'd have to invite them over.
  12. Does College Station even exist for Texas tourism? I talk with students on the East Coast, DC mostly, and ask them when they graduate, where do they hope to go, and hear Austin quite a bit. Not only does College Station not encapsulate the state of Texas, it's simply not a destination place. When students graduate, the desire is to leave College Station--permanently. It's a college town, with nothing beyond. The comparison is that one is a thriving, capital city, and the other is a college town. I don't know that a lot of Texans could point to College Station on a map of Texas, if the words weren't written on it.
  13. This looks promising: Of course everybody's old at this point.
  14. I always thought you were your first audience, so you gotta like it or it's not worth pursuing--there's not much to share. You need to be passionate about it or you won't pursue or sustain it. If you don't like drawing and/or painting, you won't continue drawing and/or painting. Or more to the point, in the words of Shakespeare--To thine own self be true. What I like about drawing and painting, is unlike electronic mediums, I can trace marks by a hand from several centuries ago. I can follow the movements of someones hand, see their thoughts in action, impression and pressure and perhaps even where they reworked an area--a compilation of a visual record of an experience and thought process.
  15. https://www.cbsnews.com/dfw/news/longhorn-ballroom-reopening-spring-2023/?fbclid=IwAR2NeNFqIs_VusRjFrs646cSNIQyf7mal-Q3S9BnHGv28fXjGV1OXxs3qN4 Sorry if already posted, but would be real cool to see bands again at the Longhorn Ballroom.
  16. He could also add that he is a performance artist, and his masterpiece is getting elected.
  17. Sorry--wrong bats. Thought I saw them listed but was Fruit Bats. I do like The Bats. I would have loved to attend this a few years ago: https://www.flyingnun.co.nz/blogs/news/flying-nun-40th-anniversary-show Saw the Clean a few years back at Rock and Roll Hotel in DC. They were still really good.
  18. That's a nicer run than the East Coast by far. Nothing like the sludge grind of the East Coast. Ugly beaches and feral looking, pasty people. I love it, but I don't like nice things.
  19. Love the Clean and glad I got to see them. Flying Nun Records is great--didn't catch the Chills last fall but would have liked to. Also love me some Jean Paul Sartre Experience. The Bats are touring now.
  20. They coming to the East Coast?
  21. They got some L7 stink. Sound good.
  22. Definitely Taj Mahal, The Struts and maybe Leon Bridges.
  23. I'd like to see the Walkmen but they sold out the first 3 nights.
  24. Saw the Viagra Boys last year I think. Meh, and I really liked their music. Haven't listened to them since. They're very small roomish--if you get a chance. Think they're playing bigger places now. Looking forward to seeing Titus Andronicus.
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