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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RamjetFDO

  1. RamjetFDO


    There was something "flapping" on the left side of the downlinked imagery from Starship during ascent... Definitely not supposed to be doing that. It won't surprise me if that is part of the root cause.
  2. RamjetFDO


    Yeah. I'm not a fan of marketing terms for failure. It failed. They can figure out why and prevent it next time, but don't put lipstick on the pig.
  3. RamjetFDO


    RUD captured.
  4. RamjetFDO


    Official account.
  5. RamjetFDO


    Someone on r/SpaceX posted this from (apparently) their location in Turks & Caicos.
  6. RamjetFDO


    Standing by for Ship details (frozen telemetry frame right now), but at least the booster capture was amazing.
  7. RamjetFDO


    Hopefully just telemetry drop... standing by
  8. RamjetFDO


    Not gonna lie ... fucking awesome.
  9. RamjetFDO


    GO for booster return!
  10. RamjetFDO


    That drone footage of the liftoff is just breathtaking.
  11. RamjetFDO


    Yeah - a little gusty/cloudy today. Thursday looks like prime chopstickin' Wx.
  12. Mid-week matches rock ... OLLIE OLLIE OLLIE!!!! 1-nil to the Villa!
  13. RamjetFDO

    Getting old sucks

    I had to do all of this with my WWII-veteran grandfather in his last 5 years. He was fiercely independent but started having more and more "car issues". I can give you some awesome stories another time (some funny, some "oh shit"), but no matter how hard we tried to convince him (including me "anonymously reporting him" to DPS and them forcing him to take a driving test - WHICH HE SOMEHOW PASSED!), it was just like your dad ... it wasn't until *he* decided and accepted his limitations that he stopped driving. "Helping" him in his last 5-10 years was probably the greatest thing I've ever done, short of raising two good citizen kids. While it was tough, challenging (from him more often than not!), and a definite impact on life for me ... I would not have changed a single second of it. I would swing by after work several days a week and just hang out. A lot of the times, he'd have the channel with "Andy Griffith", or some western on, and he'd fall asleep in his chair for 30 minutes. I miss that old guy ... he was my hero. I strive to be half the man he was.
  14. RamjetFDO

    Getting old sucks

    How are you doing, AB?
  15. C'mon Horns... LawnBevo[emoji769] doesn't come in until the season is over, and I'm not ready yet.
  16. RamjetFDO


    Guess I have to get this ready for tonight...
  17. "An-Jelly"? Jesus. Tell me you've never pronounced an Italian name without telling me you've never pronounced an Italian name (And yes ... The Angeli name is in my family tree - paternal grandmother)
  18. Just like aggy, but the cult over at the Station only have one costume option.
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