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Posts posted by Mileslong

  1. Watched Noah Goodwin from my Club, the 17 year old that played in the Nelson on Friday. Talked to his dad and all of Noah’s friends were following him around, what a great day for him.

    He was even after first round but blew up with a 77 on Friday and missed the cut. I played Saturday afternoon and there was Noah again, teeing off right before us with a buddy of his, guess he didn’t feel like watching it on TV.

    Told him we were all proud of him and he is always so polite with yes sir and no sir. Great kid, keep an eye out for him.

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  2. Who cares about the computer interface?  It's about a few kids skipping class.
    45 of those 50 movies you are using as examples weren't good to begin with, so not sure why you are using them in a thread about good movies that haven't held up.
    Name a good movie that isn't good solely because of the "old timey" acting. To me your either going to name a great movie that many people love or you will pick a movie that has other problems.
    My point, and I'm willing to be convinced otherwise, is that acting isn't up to the task because it is bad acting, not because it is "natural" or isn't stylized.

    Oh that’s a great no win situation, I give you an example and you simply say it has other problems but not the overacting or outdated tech.
  3. Sixteen Candles and Ferris hold up really, really well. 
    Movies that aren't well done don't age well.  Great movies age well.
    Movies before the 50s - John Ford, Lubitsch, Powell/Pressburger, Rosselini, the best of film noir.
    I would say that the stylistics of acting probably have very little to do with how a movie ages well.   A style of acting is just part of a great movie. 

    There are always exceptions and sixteen candles is one of my favorites. I don’t see how you can watch Buellers and get past the ridiculous computer interface...

    For every Casablanca there are fifty where the actors are so campy and over the top it’s hard to enjoy it now
  4. I tried to rewatch Platoon as well recently.  Oddly enough, the secondary characters hold up really well: McGinley, Keith David, Kevin Dillion, etc. Even Tom Berenger and Willem Dafoe hold up despite gobbling scenery like hunger wolves.  But the over the top direction and Charlie Sheen just torpedo the film.   I still argue that the definitive Vietnam movie still hasn't been made.

    Scarface is hard to watch.  The plot is nonsensical.


    So you’ve never seen Apocalypse Now?


    It’s hard for any movie that uses technology as a main theme to hold up. Period pieces obviously will stand the test of time better.


    Also movies before 1950 often don’t age well due to the overacting, it’s really stage acting put on film.


    Some examples of good/great movies that tech torpedoes:



    Dr No

    Ferris Buellers day off



    1980’s movies that suffer due to the music, fashion and tech.



    Beverly Hills Cop

    Back to the Future

    Risky Business


    Also the OP said Saving Private Ryan didn’t hold up had a ridiculous plot. SPR is a timeless classic and as far the plot you do know it was based on a true story of the Niland Brothers. Obvious license taken but one brother did get to go home after three or four of his brothers died.

  5. Hope he beats Nadal in a couple of slam finals this year.  Never liked Nadal and I don't want him coming close to RF's slam record.

    I will second this emotion. Fed is my favorite, non team, athlete of all time. He needS to keep the record of most majors and keep the Nadal people from ever challenging Fed as the GOAT
  6. I would prefer not to. I kinda like it here.
    The whole thing was about the definition of the term "from scratch." I wasn't trying to bash the project. But it got taken that way.

    Lol, yes I remember there was name calling and much consternation among the participants...
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