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Posts posted by Quagmire

  1. Fuck the shirt that guy is dickhead for openly carrying a weapon on a playground full of kids.

    Guess he was worried some 5 year old might start some shit.

    What an assclown.



    Lol I’m sure he was worried about 5 year olds, might be good protection from some pedo that drives up and tries to take his kid .

  2. I would consider a heat pump over gas. We have an ultra temp 120, it doesn’t heat as fast as gas , but it’s about 1/5 the cost in electricity .

    Few weekends ago pool was around 65, turned it in Thursday night and by Friday evening it was around 90.

    Specs show it uses 5kwh, so for about 48 hours of use costs me 20 bucks, I don’t really notice much difference in my electric bill. For gas it would probably be 5x as much .

    Only thing I wish I had was the model that can cool the water as well.

  3. Thought on ecobee vs Nest? Just about all my lights are on switches (either Wemo or TP2/Kasa) but thermostats are up next. 
    I have two ac’s each on their own zone and will need to buy two.

    I prefer the ecobee because it has remote temperature sensors .
  4. Anybody else with a 2-year-old that are refusing to nap until well into the afternoon (like after 3pm).  They are getting plenty of outside/park/playground time.  Frustrating, because we can't let them nap too long after 3pm, since they would be headed to bed before 8.
    They are sleeping from around 9pm-8am.

    Mine did that shit, said fuck it no naps for you then.
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