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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by mdmost

  1. 14 hours ago, pied said:

    Went to the Londoner and glad I did. Great result, moving on. Qualify top four, and there’s no way you can’t say we’re moving forward. 

    I keep meaning to do this but it's not easy with kiddo soccer on the weekends. I may hit them up when everyone's out of town on May 5th. You go to the Addison one?

  2. 4 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Like I said, I’d prefer rep didn’t exist because it’s petty and often a distraction but if you’re going to have the feature, at least make it equitable and prevent abuse.  Otherwise, what purpose does it serve?

    I guess but it's just a part of the platform and whomever is running the place doesn't care enough to mess with it right now. I'd rather it be gone so we don't see threads like this or whining from any of you over it. You started a thread about something that has no actual risk at all to it, unlike Shaggy where enough rep could get you booted. Rep here is even more meaningless here than it was over there. So who gives a shit if someone is using multiple accounts to give someone else meaningless negative feedback that does nothing to you unless you just can't stand people negging you? 

    • Like 1
  3. Again, why? You aren't crowd sourced here? It's basically nothing but a way for you Cloak Room turds to continue your pissing matches. 


    You guys all had a clean start and here you are again, continuing the same stupid back and forth with rep that you had over on Shaggy. Only this time you can't leave cute messages to one another. 

    • Like 8
    • Fuck You 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Kringelbert Fishtybuns said:

    Barca have been terrible almost all year.  They have looked slow, old and uninspired.  Dembele and Semedo (in the fall/not now) looked to be a shot of energy, but one got hurt and the other barely plays.  How they are still going to win the league and probably the Copa, I have no idea.


    Who the hell is crying?  Barca couldn't get out of their half for the first 80 minutes.  They were physically beaten to a pulp and didn't bother to ever get back up.  The only thing I would bitch about is that Valverde doesn't trust Dembele to come on until he needs a goal.  The idea should have been to get the goal first.  Barca has never been a team designed to soak up pressure.


    Barca kids on TV were crying. 

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