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Everything posted by bschoolprof

  1. Maybe have smaller regional divisions, the winner of which goes to the playoffs, plus a few wildcards. One could call them the NFC east or the NL central or something like that. Radical idea, I know.
  2. 40 is the max points we've scored in a game this year, but I like the enthusiasm.
  3. Agree with this. PK was much more aggressive in bringing pressure when we needed it and it showed.
  4. Definitely need a thread for this guy. He ran with much more purpose and decisiveness.
  5. worthy not on crutches is a good sign. I am a dr.
  6. jesus fuck boys. we call TO to false start?
  7. agree, but keep in mind, iowa state is fucking trash
  8. 2 possession game. D needs to fucking man up
  9. RT false start on that play. we got away with one.
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