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Posts posted by texashorn13

  1. I do not think Herman is going anywhere, nor should he, yet.  However, if CDC is the AD I think he is, and hear he is, he and Herman will be having a very candid conversation about yesterday's press conference.  The Head Coach at the University of Texas cannot act like a petulant child every time he is asked a tough question.  And frankly, the media doesn't even ask the tough questions.  It's a bad look.

    I do think his hand will be forced in making staff changes.

    I want to see what happens with the Women's Soccer coach (assuming they don't make the tournament) before I completely decide one way or another.  The team is loaded with talent, played an easy schedule, and most likely will not make the tournament.

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  2. 39 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    Where is this info coming from? Fits the narrative I created for myself so I’m going to trust it but just curious.


    Straight out of the lockerroom actually.  I was talking to someone yesterday about the game and how the team took it, and followed up with a question about Brennan Eagles.  All of the info I gave was in the answer about Eagles.  I was also told that several players have been pleaded with to not enter the portal, and as I said, there are a few who are thinking about redshirting this year to save a year of eligibility to enter the portal with.  I was told that the biggest problem in the lockerroom is that what Herman preaches is not what's being practiced.  From Herman --> Coaches --> Players there is a lack in execution of expectations.  Some players are required to follow them, some are not.  Some coaches hold their groups accountable, some don't.

    I wrote about this in the Row The Boat thread.  Bag on Fleck if you want, but the guy has a vision for his program, sets the standards and expects people to follow.  He doesn't coach any particular unit, but instead motivates all of them.  Herman seems to want to have his hand in every group, while trying to run the offense, while trying to be the Head Coach, at a University where just being the Head Coach is grossly time demanding.  He needs to focus on being great at one thing (the thing we hired him for) instead of half-assing everything.  He can start by getting rid of the dead weight coaches who can't or won't follow his expectations.  I was told once that "great head coaches hire assistants who are better than them, or who push them to be better."  The problem with Herman is his own self-inflated ego and mindset that he's already the greatest thing in the room.

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  3. Educated Guess:  Changes will be coming in the offseason, either by choice or by an ultimatum handed down to Herman.

    Facts:  Herman has completely lost the lockerroom.  It has become an us vs. them scenario, where players have quit on or given up on the coaches.  Look no further than Sam's "we need to come together" comments, or the Brennan Eagles situation (which resulted in an argument between him and Meh).  I'll go further and say that people should start connecting the dots between the transfer portal and players who are "wanting to redshirt".

  4. Fleck is not for everyone, and he knows this.  I got to spend some time around his WMU program a few years ago, and here's what I'll say...the guys knows who/what he is and he's all in for that.  He is a motivator, meticulously detailed, and 100% transparent.  In my time around his program he was invested in each position group, but not meddling.  He had standards and expectations for the way he wanted things done, and if those weren't met, he addressed them.  Not once did he say anything about skill, technique or scheme.  As the kids today say, he "stayed in his lane" and let his coaches stay in theirs.  He has built a brand, and his role as HC is to see that every person in the program is living up to the brand.

    Can we say the same about Herman and Texas?  Serious question.  What is our brand?  Is our HC managing the program and building a brand, or is he busy doing the work that his assistants should be doing (such as calling plays, working special teams, etc)?  Does everyone associated with Texas football know what the brand is, are they all bought in to it, and is Herman holding them accountable?

    Knock him if you want, and he may be annoying as shit, but as a Head Coach I think Fleck is pretty damn good at what he does...and that has jackshit to do with Row The Boat.


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  5. Elish and Ellsworth were great - Elish was unhittable and made LSU's batters look foolish.  They were having bad at-bats off her.

    Adams and Sullivan were great - LSU put the ball in play a few times but nothing our defense couldn't handle with ease.

    O'Leary and Iakopo - They were bad.  O'Leary was all over the place with several walks, and Iakopo struggled to frame pitches close to the zone, and had several passed balls.  On one of the passed balls she let the runner go from first to third.  Shea was responsible for 6 of the 7 runs I think.

    Day/Green and ??? - Day struggled to find the strike zone, walked two and gave up and IF single.  Green came in and got a ground ball double play (that scored one) and then a K to get out of it.

    Yesterday's pitching - I wasn't there, but was told that Adams was the second pitcher against Tarleton and gave up the runs including the grand slam.  Green was the second pitcher against Vernon and she walked the bases loaded before Day relieved her and got out of it.

    I would not be surprised to see Green redshirt.  Elish is #1, Shea #2 and Adams #3, with Day eating some innings.  Day will be a bat off the bench in RBI situations, which is why I think Green will RS and not Day.  Day has a very good bat.

    I think 3B/1B/RF/DP will be a battle, and possible revolving door.

    • 3B - Iakopo did not look good there.  LSU hit three balls her way and she ole'd two of them, and was saved on the third by her arm.  She is way too stiff moving.  When she went out, they slid Parker over there and Slack went to SS.  I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Camille Corona may eventually win the 3B job.  I think the staff is going to do anything they can to keep Rhodes in CF.
    • RF - Tedder/Burke/Hathaway
    • 1B - Whoever isn't in RF + Sullivan/Ellsworth
    • DP - any of the above

    Overall I think our offense is going to be very good, we have an abundance of bats and players who can hit.  Defense should be improved, only concerns are SS and/or 3B.  I think Parker can fill one of those spots, just not sure who will fill the other.

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  6. 4 hours ago, bschoolprof said:

    I went to the first game today.  Here were the starters the first few innings (and some thoughts):

    P - Elish - a few more walks than she normally gives up but otherwise excellent as usual.

    C - Sullivan - saw 2 passed balls.  A little worrisome.

    1B - Washington - not expecting her here, but did great on two difficult foul pop ups at the fence between 1st and home.

    2B  - Jefferson - nothing stood out - solid in the field

    SS - Parker - had a great 6-3 put out on a slow roller.  

    3B - Iakopo - weird to see her at 3rd, but makes sense with her arm.  

    LF - Hathaway

    CF - Rhodes - fucking annihilated that HR down the 3rd baseline.  No doubter as soon at it came off the bat.  Weird to see her in CF.

    RF - Burke - great throw from RF to throw runner out at the plate.  I like her much better in the OF.

    Missed an inning here and there due to kids, concessions, and family bullshit.   Still worried about our power, but we look solid otherwise. 

    For a reference and comparison, last week against LSU the game started like this:

    P - Elish

    C - Ellsworth

    1B - Sullivan

    2B - Jefferson

    SS - Parker

    3B - Iakopo

    LF - Washington

    CF - Rhodes

    RF - Tedder

    Elish threw the 1st three innings (all to Ellsworth), Ari Adams threw 4-6 (all to Sullivan), O'Leary threw 7-9 (all to Iakopo), Day started the 10th and loaded the bases without getting an out, Green came in and got a groundball double play and a K (can't remember who was catching)

  7. Regarding Saturday's game, it looked to me like Ingram was running like someone who knows there isn't much depth behind him, so he has to be careful.  RoJo looked like someone trying to prove he's a dog and wanting to earn extra PT.  Not sure either of those fall at the feet of Drayton, nor does the injury bug going around the RB room.

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