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Prepuce of Doom

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Prepuce of Doom

  1. Hell of a race. 

    I think Bottas is a perfect second driver to pair with Lewis. He seems like the kind of tolerant team player that is necessary to get along with Lewis's histrionic bitchassedness. 

    And the coverage was a refreshing change of pace - loved the lack of commercials. 

  2. 1 hour ago, veritas aequitas said:

    I thought they did a pretty good job of showing Paterno as a guy who only gave a shit about his being the all time wins leader and nothing else.

    Did the movie address the convenient timing of the fact that the dominoes didn't begin to fall until the very next week after he had gained the record by beating a terrible Illinois team? 

  3. 1 hour ago, BamaSucks said:

    NSAA will suck if the picture links dont work

    Yeah, that's a huge swath of images that are just inexplicably off limits. The various lol pics, holy shit pics, etc. threads will suffer too. 

    I hope I'm overreacting, but I feel like this is a potentially crippling blow to the overall content of the forum. Like we're opening up a restaurant that doesn't serve Coca-Cola but only Shasta products instead. 

    • Like 1
  4. I'm a technological moron, but is there any kind of fancy redirecting or mirroring voodoo that could save the day? 


    Or "using Imgur's embed unit rather than hotlinking" (whatever the fuck that means, but it was in their reply to our request for clemency), even if that means we don't have some of the fancy auto formatting or whatever, and have to go back to how we used to do things in the old country? 



  5. 52 minutes ago, Hawndoh said:

    Ferrari looking strong. 

    MAG is a bit of a dick. Every time he is on screen he seems to be blocking someone or otherwise doing something awkward. It’s little wonder the other drivers don’t like him. 

    Who, this guy? 


  6. Just finished Australia. I'm really pissed at the terrible coverage. Just about every meaningful element of the race occurred during commercial side by side coverage with no apparent effort to cut away, no continuity to the announcers, etc.

    I'm a creature of habit and would like to be able to watch pre-race, race (not commercials being given priority over the actual race), and post-race using my TV and DVR without having to learn how to use streams and downloads (especially since I often have to make an effort to avoid spoilers when watching late), but Australia was complete shit. It annoyed me so much that I didn't really enjoy watching the race very much. 

    Where do I send my Strongly Worded Note? ESPN? Liberty? 


    Anyone have any experience with disposable vape pens? Thinking about grabbing a couple for hassle-free clandestine use the next time I'm in California. 

    What about bringing them in a carry on on a flight out of CA? I don't have any meaningful experience with vaping (pot or otherwise) and don't know whether the pot versions are essentially indistinguishable from less illicit products or if it's readily apparent what they are. 

  7. I took the picture, but I did not attempt to copulate with the driver, so I can neither confirm nor deny her openness to requests. 

    And I think the picture may be playing tricks on you - she was good-natured about strangers pointing and laughing at and photographing her jalopy, but otherwise unremarkable. 

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