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Posts posted by threesheets

  1. Damn you CBT.  I'd slit my own throat for that angus ribeye sandwich right now.  At least I think I would anyway.  I haven't had bread in three weeks.  I don't remember what sandwiches taste like.

  2. 2 hours ago, futureman said:

    corby’s at the bottom, dude.  sorry. 

    I've commented multiple times how fascinating it is that people can love the station and be on polar opposites when it comes to different personalities.  You happen to be wrong as shit on this one.

    Thanks for further fascinating me.

  3. This whole day is like a long reenactment of that Beatles circle jerk story they love to tell so much.  Except instead of spitting out names of famous hotties, they just say something about themselves to make everyone jerk it more furiously.

    But as a minute one P1, I can't help but enjoy the nostalgia.

    And Rhynes is orchestrating some Washington-level narrative control in growing his legend as the sole "mastermind" behind the Ticket.  

  4. 57 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    If that is the case, thank god. Trading him unless you get a great return (you won't) would be so fucking stupid. It would mean the season you sucked and got the luxury of that draft pick was a waste.

    If Rick can't make it work, then find a coach who can. I mean it's been how long now since the Finals? I know he's a great coach but he isn't the best for young teams. When he came here in 08, we had a veteran Kidd, Dirk and Terry. Guys who were already developed and knew the ropes. This team is the complete opposite. Our building block is 19. DSJ is young as hell, too. I believe if we had a different coach in 2015, Rondo would have worked. Yeah I know the consensus is fuck that guy but Rick will wear on certain guys. I don't agree in quitting on your team ever but it should have never gotten there. A coach has to be willing to be flexible in the guys the front office brings in. Packers finally moved on from McCarthy and that lone title was the same as the Mavs. Sometimes the message gets stale and you need a new voice. 

    Looks like someone stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night. 

  5. Jimmy King and Jason Sasser in the Dallas Metro/Slam-n-Jam league.  Played a lot of pickup games with Lamont Hill (Texas-ex) growing up.  We're from the same town.  They were all a couple of years older.  Also a lot of pickup games with Rayford Young (Trae's dad, fuck me I'm old).


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