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ShaggyBevo RIP

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Everything posted by ShaggyBevo RIP

  1. I too am of the mind that those tank numbers are the equilevent of the USAF counting every plane in the desert boneyards as inventory.
  2. "Sleep well. There are no tractors under the bed."
  3. When Ukraine gardeners look at Ukraine farmers and say hold my sunflower seeds and watch this. https://twitter.com/ua_industrial/status/1505263539937853446?s=20&t=j0pnDIBAgZXlSjJdATcMTQ
  4. Ukraine still has lines with the RU wide rail left from the USSR days.
  5. I read they have 8 rail engineering battalions due to their reliance on rail resupply.
  6. I've been wondering what happens if you just take all the rail spikes out over a 200 meter span?
  7. Keep in mind the Dubai flights may have been parking the oligarchs' rides to keep them captive in RU.
  8. Line I saw- Russian Generals be dying faster than Game of Thrones characters.
  9. The no NCOs is a trending topic today. Trent Telenko has a piece about it. https://twitter.com/TrentTelenko/status/1504967537150283778?s=20&t=vpGZpCl99Jcc9woWizkSgw
  10. Way things are going some Ukrainian farmer with a D9 is going to just run that blade down that berm and bury them alive.
  11. Nestle hasn't pulled out of the Russian market. Here are the products to boycott-
  12. It was blaming the West for expanding NATO too close to RU and not blaming Ukraine.
  13. https://snyder.substack.com/p/some-new-ways-to-help-ukrainians?utm_campaign=cta&s=r
  14. Belarus leaks are suggesting they've 'processed' more RU KIA than the Ukraine's claimed numbers and they aren't even receiving the causalities from the southern theater. https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-belarus-morgue-soldiers/31750455.html
  15. While that is what we want to do to help, sending the money to Chef Andres' World Central Kitchen that has staff experienced doing this stuff, and wholesale food costs, likely delivers more food to more people. I'm sure they can use Brisket Jr's cadre's willingness to work to help to deliver more food to more people.
  16. I'm of the mind putting the NATO fast reaction group on his border kept him at home. In client state warfare is Belarus considered fair game or considered attacking RU?
  17. Nope look at the incoming smoke trail just above the wall on the lower right.
  18. To give RU hope via propaganda? China wants nothing more than to be one of two super powers and not the third wheel super power.
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