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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. 10 hours ago, nineliveslost said:

    She has decided against the lovesac and now has her sights on an $8k sectional. When the fuck did couches become so freaking expensive? $600 delivery , $500 stain guard ?!?! WTF

    About 3-4 years ago my wife decided she wanted new couches and lounge chair for the living room and really liked some couches at Crate and Barrel. $12K later I had a 2 seat and 3 seat sofa plus a lounge chair that nobody sits in.  Now she doesn’t like the color and says the dog ruined them by sitting on them.  I told her the couches look fine, I like the dog so stop blaming him and for the money I spent those should last for the next 25 years.  

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  2. It is kind of “funny” when one of the Top RB’s in the country decides to go to a team where the coach is on the hot seat, just finished a 5-7 season in year 5, doesn’t have a offensive coordinator because they just fired the last guy and a ton of current players are hitting the portal to get away from the program.  It’s one thing if Owens grew up always wanting to go to A&M and that was always his dream school or something but this doesn’t seem fishy at all, right?  Same will go for Hicks, Hill, etc…. 

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  3. 6 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:


    She was in the Army and won the Confessional Medal of Honor. Then she opened shelters for veterans all over the country. She had to quit astronaut training to become Donald Trump's President Secretary. We were co-valley dictators in college.

    Co- valley dictators in college, huh?  Big deal.  Let me know when she wins the All Valley Karate tournament and then she can start bragging. 

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  4. I just came in this thread to see if that Meerkat dude was banned yet.  I see he is only at -92 if I’m reading that correctly.  I’m very disappointed in all of you for not doing your part to ban him so he can come back again as some other animal and smoking device.  

    Now pardon me while I go start a thread about defunding the fire departments around the country.  I mean if you are dumb enough to to let your house catch on fire then you deserve to lose everything, right?

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  5. 26 minutes ago, AP101S said:

    Just for fun, I added an Aggie 2022 tab to the Texas Football Roster (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TzoBTIvCXfZIk7Sz3C9txMg0yPvrXyVM/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115568097012710816219&rtpof=true&sd=true) so we can track how many of the "greatest class ever" end up transferring. The Prediction column is just a guess based on what I see on Surly. I originally assumed all OOS and other mercenaries would transfer, but I toned it down to just those that were rumored to leave. When a portal is announced. I highlight it in pink, same as I do in the 2023 tab for Texas. Here's a screenshot:


    So what's everybody's opinion on who/how many on this list need to transfer to really decimate their program where they can't even get to their usual 8-4 season.  I don't think someone like Nolen (or any DL for that matter) deciding to transfer would really hurt them because they are so deep with all those DL men from the last class.  Obviously Weigman would be crushing but I don't see it happening.  Would love for Stewart to bolt but we shall see.

  6. 22 minutes ago, CashMcCoy said:


    I don’t follow A&M players that closely but is this a legit good player that is looking elsewhere or a back up that is getting processed?  Didn’t know if this is someone they are not happy about hitting the portal. I was with my Aggy boss all week and he kept saying the only guys leaving are guys that Jimbo doesn’t want anymore because they aren’t as good as the younger guys.

  7. 7 hours ago, notre dame joe said:

    Your source told you that Mike Norvell was being consulted on their conference move?

    He said people in the football program so I figured the coach and AD and people within the school system but he didn’t say the coach specifically. 

  8. 58 minutes ago, Longhornlove said:

    He seems like a guy the patriots take in the 6th round, put him at slot and he becomes a star........During the Brady years anyway.

    If the Patriots draft a WR odds are they will suck.  Belichick has always struggled drafting this position.  He can pull a CB off the street and they become a pro bowler but drafting a good WR is basically Edelman who was a QB in college.   Interesting and sickening to a Patriots fan is a article below from a few years ago.  This years WR is Thornton from Baylor and so far hasn’t shown much compared to guys like Pickens on the Steelers and others drafted after Thornton.



  9. 18 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    Some food for thought as the portal is about to be opened on Monday:

    No one knows how crazy the portal is going to be and how deep every program's pockets are going to be, so who Texas, or anyone else, takes is a great unknown. One thing is certain - we are about to hear more bullshit that isn't true regarding money and offers than we have heard in the prior 20 years combined. Addison was allegedly going to get $1M from USC. He wound up getting like $400k. His agent later got him some other corporate stuff, but that's a glimpse. Mathis got like $250-$300k at Nebraska and everyone was tossing around $600-$700k as the number in the spring. That is all about to be put on steroids. The Bijans of the world are few and far between. Everyone is going to be Evan Stewart in this thing. No one has a bottomless pit of money. The bullshit factor is immeasurable, in my mind. Keep that in your minds when you see players:

    1) Being rumored to be going everywhere and then staying put (irrespective of program) because suddenly they realize that the money elsewhere isn't as bountiful as they'd convinced themselves it was

    2) Going somewhere shocking (because a random program decided to break the bank on that one guy)

    3) Using programs like Texas to get raises, just as in coaching searches

    One thing that is still very immature is the way programs are aligning with corporate NIL. I think that will be built into a strength for UT, USC, and a few others over the next few years. No one is hosting a player with built-in pitches from corporate sponsors yet. Coaches, frankly, have no clue how to do that. It's going to take a higher level of sophistication and planning than that of what exists today. Want to lure a sure-fire starting WR and edge to Texas? Show them the numbers that Dell, Lambo, and Indeed are bringing to the table for them to do a couple of events, placements, and commercials.

    Anyway, I know the inevitable "gee, I thought we had NIL figured out" and "we've got to moneywhip all of these guys, we're by gawd Texas!" and "I can't believe random WR X got $2million to go to Miami" posts will still happen, but here's hoping this board keeps the flow of ignorance on this shit down to a trickle. 

    So, we can or can’t afford Waddle?

    Actually, this may be a stupid question but I am curious how the Lamborghini NIL deal works when Bijan leaves.  Do they offer a deal to another current player/recruit/portal target or do they stay with a NFL Bijan as a sponsor?

  10. 1 minute ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    what i haven't seen yet is anyone ask, how the fuck, with the same players, boomhauer was spontaneously able to create this result?

    the players have been the same all season - yes injuries blah blah - but the roster has failed spectacularly regardless of who was playing

    this was the 2nd-best opponent they've faced

    "finally played a great game" doesn't add up either....  spontaneous 100% execution?   after 6 months of coaching, in the 12th game?

    corndog were not getting in with 2 losses but had every reason to play hard and win


    the only thing that makes sense is boomhauer simplified his stack of papers


    I would argue it was just one of those games that Aggy seems to always have once a year against a good team where everything goes right for them and somehow at the same time everything goes wrong for the other team.  It was how they beat Bama last year.  Every bounce, dropped pass, amazing catch seemed to go their way and not the other team's way.  I don't know how to explain it, but it seems to happen for them once a year.  Usually, it's the difference between 7 and 8 wins but this year it's the difference between 4 and 5 wins. 

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  11. 1 minute ago, Chopper said:

    LSU had not much to play for, did they? They're going to the SEC CG anyway, and then to the playoffs if they can beat Georgia. I guess if they had beaten aggy they'd have an outside shot of snagging a playoff spot if they end up losing to GA.

    No way do they sniff the playoffs with 3 losses.  It doesn’t matter if they beat UGA or not at this point.  They are out.  

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  12. 10 minutes ago, shadow_operative said:

    we've had plenty of O lines worse than this one. our recent o line history is what's putrid. Kelvin Banks is the best lineman we've had for some time, and both of our QBs got plenty of clean pockets to drop back into throughout the season, whereas in seasons past )i'm having flashbacks to 2009) it seemed like our QB was running for his life every single down. our current O line isn't really good, but it's definitely better than a few other recent lines that we've had.

    I wont engage with you after this but your an idiot that knows nothing about football.   Our O line sucked this year especially at pass blocking.  There were not clean pockets all season long and there were a lot of plays and I mean a lot that the line got blown up or missed assignments where Ewers or Card had no play but to throw it away or get sacked or rush a pass.  Ewers chucked the ball away as quick as he could because he didnt get clean pockets. Claiming this o line is better than other past ones is like saying you are the tallest midget (if that is politically incorrect, sorry I’m old).  Yes, we have had bad o lines the past decade dating back to Mack’s last years.  The only difference in this line is there was some young talent that hopefully develops over the next year or so to be really good. I’m high on Banks and Campbell as really talented freshman that will get a lot better.  By the way, having a great left tackle and not great other 4 lineman doesn’t make a offensive line good.  Your left tackle can take out the edge rusher all day long but if the rest of the line is getting blown up or missing assignments your offense will suck.  

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