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Horn Dogg

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Horn Dogg

  1. 50 minutes ago, immamac said:

    Yeah this shit is pretty fucking over. Covid was the nail in the coffin, when you see the early voting numbers in texas and they line up with the rest of the states who have started you will understand. People are not fucking around this election, there are 10s of millions more voters registered this election and all of them intend to vote. There is 0 chance for a Trump win if people vote and I've never seen people so excited to vote. 

    I voted this weekend, felt good to shoot the big fuck you at Trump!

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  2. 2 hours ago, TexasMan said:

    Let's party like its 1997 

    I was a student that year.  My old ass probably wouldn’t survive the weekend if I tried that now!

  3. 3 hours ago, DanTheHorn said:

    Had to come back and say fuck Tom Herman. I have not been this mad after a loss in who knows how long. I had expectations this year.

    Agreed.  We clearly had the talent advantage today and his lack of preparation and discipline fucked us.

  4. 13 minutes ago, tokamak said:

    I guess I should rephrase that part. I can't understand what they gain from a Trump presidency that they wouldn't also gain from, say, a Mitt Romney or even Ted Cruz presidency, with those latter options also offering significantly more domestic and foreign policy stability. Stability seems like it should be very important to high net worth people, at least the ones that don't quite have "fuck you" money to renounce their citizenship and move to Monaco. Yet there's never a hint of admittance that Trump himself is problematic. It's never "I'm sure glad he lowered our taxes, but....". He's literally infallible.

    I naively expected that some Republicans might turn on Trump during impeachment for basically that reason. That would have resulted in a Mike Pence presidency and a Pence candidacy (or real primary?) in 2020. How would policy, Supreme Court noms, etc have changed at all in that scenario?

    Trumps tax cuts helped me out a little bit financially, but I’ll gladly pay more to keep Trump from destroying everything else.

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  5. 16 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Play nice. Wait till they're sick and dying, then whisper when no one is around that you're going to donate a huge chunk of their inheritance to BLM. 

    I’m thinking more just keep your mouth shut, then go buy a Ferrari after they are gone.

  6. 1 hour ago, TexEx15 said:

    As a Pete fan I will always be sad that we did not get to see Pete debate Trump.

    I was thinking the same thing, Pete would have roasted him.  Trump wants to talk about being tough?  Pete just talks about his experience in the military vs Trumps draft dodging.  Trump wants to talk about Policy?  Pete would run circles around him.  Trump wants to get loud?  Pete would be able to get just as loud yet maintain his composure.  About all Trump could do is rail on him for his sexuality, but that wouldn’t sit well with anyone outside of his redneck base.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 9 hours ago, MrPhlegm said:
    19 hours ago, Horn Dogg said:
    It also never occurs to them that Jimbo might know more about football than most Texags posters.  I’m sure he’s not just playing Mond to spite everyone, he’s probably playing him because that’s the best QB they got regardless of whether he actually sucks.

    nope. he is playing him to get aggy to fire his ass soonest. get the hell out a that shithole.

    I think I could hang around that shithole for a little while if I were riding a $75MM gravy train.  You don’t have to actually live in town, just get a nice car and commute every day.

  8. 2 hours ago, DanTheHorn said:

    All I know is Jimbo left behind what is at Florida State and at that time he cared about getting another job.

    Good point.  As a Longhorn, I’m fully enjoying the $75MM aggy shitshow.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 27 minutes ago, Herpa Derpa said:

    It also never occurs to them that praying for a kid to be severely injured with a likely life-long ailment is not exactly what Jesus would do.

    Remember that no one is born an aggy, they choose that lifestyle.  Just one of God's burdens on us that we can't pray the aggy away.

    It also never occurs to them that Jimbo might know more about football than most Texags posters.  I’m sure he’s not just playing Mond to spite everyone, he’s probably playing him because that’s the best QB they got regardless of whether he actually sucks.

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