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CO Horn

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Posts posted by CO Horn

  1. 8 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I haven't sharpened my pencil, but I'm pretty sure that with the beating the itemized deduction took this year, I'm going to pay MORE in taxes.  And I'm a pretty high earner (showing my pay stub, etc.).

    And here's the thing -- I don't mind paying more in taxes.  I really don't.

    What I mind is that 1) I am paying more in taxes, 2) we the people aren't using those tax dollars to fix infrastructure, provide needed services, or even reduce the debt....but instead are 3) massively increasing our deficit and debt so that 4) people much richer than I am can keep more money in their pockets.  That's pretty fucked up.

    Very few of my clients are paying more in taxes under the new tax law.  Those that are paying more usually have high unreimbursed employee expenses or investment expenses. We are in the top 2% of income and our tax liability is down around 15-20% under the new tax law. 

  2. Agreed on CO regarding Gardner.  The demographics in Colorado have changed greatly over the past 15-20 years.  I think he loses if the Dems put up a viable candidate and there are plenty out there.  In the 18 elections Dems received 1.34 million votes in the House races compared to 1.08 for Republicans.  Polis, who is extremely liberal, won the Gubernatorial race 1.21 million to 1.02 million.

  3. 17 hours ago, DalTxHornFan said:

    TLDR -- The IRS now has fewer auditors because there are more sophisticated ways of analyzing taxpayer compliance than just doing the old-fashioned field audits.

    Yes, there are more sophisticated ways of analyzing taxpayer compliance.  However the IRS is probably 10-20 years behind the curve in technology.  Also, returns today are much more complex than they were 50 years ago.

  4. 4 hours ago, 52-80 said:

    always wanted one but not sure of suitability for grilling.  and what size is yours?  i cant get anything larger than 18" for <1000


    definitely not available here.  that's why i need to scrunitize by feature rather than name. 


    Based on your username, I'm assuming you may live in Colorado.  If that's the case, it is basically impossible to smoke on an offset smoker from October-April.  I had an offset and would spend about $20 on fuel every time I wanted to smoke.  With the BGE, I would say it closer to $5. Due to the lower temps and low humidity it is extremely expensive to smoke on the offset.  I never grilled on an offset, but don't think the cost would be that different, since your cooking over direct heat.

  5. 58 minutes ago, Doc Holliday said:

    Target range is $1,200 - $1,800/month although I can afford up to 2k/month and would rather not go that high if I don't have too.  

    Thank you for the recommendations.  I'll be renting/leasing to begin with and goal would be to move further into the mountains after a year or three. 

    I'll live with whatever traffic as it can't be as bad as Austin has been or my stint up in DC. 


    Not going to find a whole lot in that range if you are looking to rent a house.  Park Hill would probably give you the most options.

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