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Posts posted by EE2B

  1. My wife bought these solar lights on Amazon and has not been able to make them work. They have been out in the yard for months and have never worked. Last night she came into the room where I was at with her phone. “The solar lights need batteries. What would they need batteries for, they are solar?”

  2. I have a fun submission. My wife leaves important mail on the counter for me to look at before filing (shoving in her desk). A few weeks ago our Texas OU tickets came in. I glanced at them and said neat. We went to dinner and I didn’t think much of it.
    A day or so later the tickets disappear. I didn’t think much of it...she generally clears the counter when people come over. Tonight she asks me where I put the tickets. I said I left them on the counter, but she doesn’t believe me and frantically searches my laptop bag and asks me to look in my car. Because logically, tickets go in the car I guess. Turns out I didn’t do anything with the tickets.
    She lost the tickets. Meaning she threw them away while stress cleaning. So no corn dog or wax paper cup beer for me this year. She doesn’t do or say much stupid shit, but this may make up for how easy I have it. 
    Next year I guess they’re going in my car.

    Did you get the tickets through the Texas Box Office? If so, I’m pretty sure they would have reissued them to you. We’ve had similar issues when traveling in groups with people forgetting their tickets. The ticket offices have always been really good about replacing them.
  3. We have a gas tankless that is outside. It was added during a remodel of the house and the previous owners just had the water supply piped back out to the exterior of the house from the two existing tank water heaters. They then brought the output side of the tankless back to the original output of the tank heaters. Needless to say it takes a while to get hot water is certain locations in our house. They do shutoff on low flow/pressure so you have to have somewhere for the small control panel to go if it’s going to be outside.

  4. Are you staying in the lodge or a cabin? I’ve stayed there several times and have always had a good time. Sunday Brunch at the Worman House is really good if you are staying through the weekend. I always enjoyed watching a game at Buzzard Bar and having a few drinks.

  5. "They can do what they like" more like... they should stand for every fucking play unless it's a blowout. 
    If your 20 year old legs hurt you aren't drunk enough. 

    His legs haven’t been 20 years old in at least 80 years.
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