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Posts posted by EE2B

  1. Last night was meet the teach for my little girl going into kindergarten. We got all of her school supplies stowed away and got in line to talk to her teacher. As we got up to talk to her, this lady walks in with her kid and breaks into the the line. Little Sally just had to say hello to her teacher from last year and they couldn’t wait until everyone was done. She stood there a good five minutes wasting everyone’s time while she went on and on about how much they will miss her. Jesus Christ shut the fuck up and move along or wait until everyone is done.

  2. I'm interested in the biology of how your butthole managed to "slurp" back said "liquid turtle."  Sounds like you'd be popular with teh gays.

    Maybe it’s billowy.
  3. Went out to the garage last night to grab a beer out of the fridge. Noticed that the freezer door was sticking out further than usual. Pulled it open and everything in there was a melted/thawed out. I threw away: 3 racks of beef plate ribs, 2 NY strips, a bacon wrapped pork tenderloin, standing rib roast, several containers of dairy free ice cream, several TV dinners and of course the two boxes of popsicles that my wife threw in there Sunday afternoon when she got back from the store. It was apparently easier to cram them in the small freezer than walk two feet and put them in the full size standup freezer right next to it.

  4. Went to Singapore for 2 weeks during a disastrous SAP transition about 15 years ago.  Lived at the warehouse from 7am-10pm every day.  For lunch, I ate with the warehouse workers who got a non-descript rice, veggie, chicken/pork/shrimp lunch everyday.  It was glorious.  All of the Americans traveling with me insisted on McDonalds.  Mc-fucking-Donalds.  Had one of the warehouse managers tell me on the first day that they didn't buy enough of the rice lunches for me, so I handed him a S$100 bill and said I would need him to include me in his lunch purchase every day I was there.
    That ended up being a fun trip.  The days sucked, but I would leave work and hang out at one of the all-night hawker villages for a couple of hours drinking Tiger beer, eating local food. and people watching.  5-6 hours of sleep every night, followed by a long day at the warehouse, and a few peaceful hours by myself at the hawkers stand with my Tiger, satay, gai lon, and murtabak.  Rinse, wash, repeat.  

    Good god I hate SAP. I would rather buy everything on my card and expense it than use this shit. The only bigger waste is fucking ISNet.
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