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Posts posted by EE2B

  1. One person walks on one side of the pole and the other on the opposite side. I knew a girl in college that would chase you around the pole so you didn’t end up on opposite sides of it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. Ticks. Ticks make me surly.
    We recently bought a place in ETX.  On the adjacent preserve, I have miles and miles of nature trails to run on, through the forest. A runner’s dream. And it is awesome to run through the big rolling pasture that usually has 10-20 whitetail deer on it. 
    Except that those deer have ticks. And leave them on the grass. That I run through. And the ticks get on my legs and shoes. And then get nice and comfortable all over my legs, crevices, and junk. 
    Obviously I stopped running through the pasture. But the surprise of finding  a tick on your junk is not a nice one. And nobody’s wife likes combing through the taint looking for ticks. 

    A guy I work with had to wake his wife up one day at like 5am because something was fucking him up and he couldn’t find it. He had used a mirror between his legs to try to see it and still couldn’t. He had to wake her up and ask her to look between his legs. Turned out he had a tick on his taint.
    • Rage+1 1
  3. It's incredibly common for big/old IT shops to have a backup solution in place, but to have never actually tested it or restored a backup to exercise their ops runbook. Turns out, just having copies of the data doesn't do you any good if nobody knows how to restore it from archive

    Our emissions data is calculated partially in a VM with a SQL database. The ESXi host that it was running on crashed causing the VM to shutdown, migrate, and restart. When it did this the SQL database was corrupted. I was on the phone with the 3rd party support folks for the software when they asked if we could restore from a snapshot prior to the crash. Sure, should not a problem. Let me walk across the hall to the IT folks and ask them to take care of it. The answer I got was - ugh yea it can be done but we’ve never done it before. The 3rd party folks got the database repaired and started rebuilding before it could be figured out. Some days I wonder....
  4. A guy I work with accidentally put DEF in his diesel tank while he was traveling. He started it up and immediately realized something was wrong so he shut it back down. I want to say the final bill was somewhere in the neighborhood of 15k. He got lucky that his insurance has a dumbass clause and they covered it.

  5. One thing I did notice is that all HEB pharmacies are walk in for vaccines MON-FRI 3pm - 5pm. I don't think most people realize you don't have to fight for an appointment any longer.

    That also means that pharmacies have been given approval to waste vaccine now since their not scheduling to fit the dosing needs to use an entire vial.
  6. Enjoy it man. She’s precious.

    On the flip side of this, my four year was running fever last night so my wife took her to the walk in ER. She has a history of pneumonia so we take it extremely seriously when she gets ill. Flu and strep both came back positive (WTF!?!?), but luckily covid was negative. Was out until midnight last night getting scripts filled. She’s up and acting pretty normal this morning when I’m sure I would be curled up in the fetal position asleep somewhere. Now we just have to keep a close eye on her and make sure she doesn’t get pneumonia coming out of this.

  7. My wife held a vaccination clinic today at a food pantry in the town we both work in. Out of approximately 125 families, she had 5 people take their first dose of Moderna. Granted some people could be already vaccinated from another source, but the odds are low. She’s beyond frustrated that she’s putting in all this extra work to bring vaccinations to people and she gets 5 folks. She probably has 1600 doses of vaccine in her freezer that she is working her ass off to get rid of. Sadly, she will probably end up transferring a lot of them so they don’t just sit there and expire. She did another covid clinic at an employer in town that has 500 plus employees. She got 40 people to walk 100 yards to get both doses. Progress, but frustrating none the less.

    • Like 1
  8. We had a home inspector come Sunday afternoon to look at the house for the bank as part of our refi. She spent 3 hours running around “organizing” prior to his arrival. The only saving grace was that this was also the Monday that the housekeeper comes. #winning

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