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Everything posted by DigDug

  1. Shiiit he's about to get a billion yen
  2. Somebody sent me that yesterday, 4 other people sent it to me today. Oliver bout to have his life change.
  3. Like a closing time cutie, really not pretty, but she'll do
  4. Miss 3 pk's where the keeper doesn't have to make a save, can't really bitch
  5. Rapinoe thought they were playing Horse
  6. Go ahead pull his ass right now, come in and can't throw strikes in a 1 run game. Gettfout!
  7. If we could actually get Leody and Zeke both contributing at the same time, the moon may explode.
  8. That's fucking awful blue, take a lap.
  9. That fg looked like a trick shot
  10. Zeke strolls up, watches 3 strikes, strolls on back. Nice little ab
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