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Everything posted by DigDug

  1. I hate those cowbells, they're about one level of annoyance below vuvuzelas.
  2. I see that too, he's always there to catch him and push him in the right direction.
  3. You sound like one of those guys that gets an attitude when someone doesn't pick Texas. Look at this guy, he looked at the game and thinks the other team has a better chance to win. And we've never lost. What an asshole this guy.
  4. That's not a reverse, it's just a sweep.
  5. Nebraska is like a group of special olympians.
  6. From the Clemson board "Somebody tell Dabo that Jesus loves the transfer portal."
  7. Duke has better skill position players than Clemson
  8. Sborz should not be on this team past today.
  9. Jonah looks a lot like my brother, and my brother does a lot of drugs.
  10. McCormick has to be hitting like .900 against us. And Otto blows
  11. Everybody in the world knew who they were throwing to on that 4th down and Tech was so dumb they just left him uncovered. Morons
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