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    Orbis Non Sufficit

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  1. Ditto. Probably a lot of guys in our age bracket like this.
  2. So tell me something Montell... Why were we not invited to your party? Are we Al Qaeda?
  3. I mean, you said something dumb. Then whined when people called you out on it. It doesn't even have anything to do with politics, just basic cognition.
  4. I will eat my hat if Florida goes blue. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
  5. This continues the trend of @Bogeywonquestionable taste in music. But I agree with @jimmyjazz,that is a cool story, having someone you look up to be kind to you is awesome.
  6. I would have gone with cross him off then, but I'll allow it.
  7. I'm fascinated to know how you came to that conclusion.
  8. I believe Obama has some of the best sense of timing of any pol in my life.
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