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Everything posted by G650

  1. Ditto. Probably a lot of guys in our age bracket like this.
  2. So tell me something Montell... Why were we not invited to your party? Are we Al Qaeda?
  3. I mean, you said something dumb. Then whined when people called you out on it. It doesn't even have anything to do with politics, just basic cognition.
  4. I will eat my hat if Florida goes blue. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
  5. This continues the trend of @Bogeywonquestionable taste in music. But I agree with @jimmyjazz,that is a cool story, having someone you look up to be kind to you is awesome.
  6. I would have gone with cross him off then, but I'll allow it.
  7. I'm fascinated to know how you came to that conclusion.
  8. I believe Obama has some of the best sense of timing of any pol in my life.
  9. From your lips to god's ears. Would be great if this was like when Lance Armstrong unretired and then lost everything.
  10. TIL a substantial portion of Surly is the Sirius XM Turbo station
  11. Don't hate the player, hate the game!
  12. It's funny, this weekend one of the guys from the crew was like "We really just need a mom. We've done enough of the creepy uncle thing."
  13. Reading back through the thread I was about to say y'all straight disappearing Fangio.
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