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Everything posted by G650

  1. Someone a couple neighborhoods over keeps putting little signs in front of the Trump signs lol.
  2. Its wild you say that, I was actually pondering that exact thing on my way to work
  3. I mean, I guess. I'm a construction worker by trade and spend all my days with the working man. They aren't really super horny for Trump. It's the upper middles that have all the Trump signs out.
  4. The part where he is over 46% is the most insane bit of this all.
  5. I'm somewhat sanguine on Georgia but I have a sense you are right on NC.
  6. Not gonna lie, PA is the only thing keeping me sane. Which is insane in and of itself
  7. I mean, these consultants are just dreadfully middle class too. Don't get me wrong, when it comes to bagging on their idiocy, I'm here for the gangbang, but they are just a different flavor of middle class shitbag than the Trump voting F250 driver.
  8. Well, we need to back up for a minute. Because, first and foremost, I agree with you on the top. And secondly, I took exception to Nate Silvers characterization the first three years of Trump were some sort of good economy, because they sucked dick compared to the last two years. I said nothing about your opinion whatsoever. Thirdly I'm not really a Democrat, though I will be voting almost exclusively for them for the foreseeable future.
  9. Old Gang Run. My Grandma was a bus driver for Green Run HS for years. Drove Plaxico Burress when he was there.
  10. I mean, completely set aside the top. The working class have seen their only relative gains in almost 50 years vis a vis the middle and upper class. It's just not remotely accurate to say.
  11. You are absolutely correct here. I do take exception to a few things on his list, the economy and the very strange notion the country shifted rightward, but I agree overall. I certainly like reports enthusiasm for Trump is down in other areas, but I can tell you it's through the roof here. I've never seen this much Trump shit out.
  12. Ha, thanks. I'm pretty stoked with most of the colors we picked out. Our bedroom in particular I'm really happy with. My Deluxe? It's a '63. I posted it either in this thread or the amp thread awhile back, I got it year before last I think. The LP is sweet, Brandon did such a marvelous job of setting it up. I will probably play it more now I have one of my amps on hand.
  13. After 15 long years, I have an honest to goodness amp in my house again. And a whole room to play it in.
  14. I think js is overstating the "shape" she keeps herself in though.
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