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Posts posted by 936horn

  1. I've always done Mich, and that's currently what's on the wife's car right now, but my Tahoe came with Bridgestone H/L Alenza Plus and I have to say I am pretty impressed with them. The ride is excellent and there's a lot less road noise than even my wife's car (with the Mich tires) but that might be also partially attributed to the car itself. When these wear out I'll probably go back to Michelin, but I will definitely have to think about it harder than I have previously. They are priced about $9 more than comparable Michelins, so price is a wash.

  2. 36 minutes ago, Dertyberd said:

    Agreed.  I tried for six months to get in the oil business by calling and sending resumes to people I've known my whole life.  All I heard was "we'll let you know when things pick up", and "are you sure you want to do this, it might be boring for you."?  Who gives a shit if its boring, there's a lot of money being made.  Sure there is uncertainty, but there's also a shitload of money being made by guys in land/title work I know that barely graduated HS. It's not rocket science, but getting in feels harder than NASA.   

    For both you and @Nivek - 

    Depending on what you want to do (this holds especially true for field work) a face to face meeting will trump any sort of electronic or phone contact you can make. I know guys who will put on their nice jeans and boots (dress for your audience here - if you're in midland put the boots on, if you're at corporate in Houston then put on a suit) and beat down people's doors resume in hand until they got a job. The adage of "it's not what you know, but who you know" is relevant in the oil field probably more so than anywhere else I have ever seen.

    Every guy you know that's a dumbass making good cash had a connection. Every single one. If you don't have one, then get to steppin' until you get in front of someone who can help you.

    Additionally, the pay for the guys in the field is high because of 1. the risks involved with many of the jobs, 2. the hours and work schedules involved and 3. those guys are the first ones gone during down turns. If you're near a major city like Houston, an office job will be less hours, probably slightly less pay, but you'll be making more money (especially in a commercial function if you can get it) than others you know at your age/work the same hours as you.

    If you have an opportunity to "do something boring" it might be a good way to get your foot in the door as you seem to realize. But like I said, meeting with someone face to face will go a long, long way in my experience


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  3. 6 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    again, you're assuming those top marginal rated were actually paid.  They were not.  Fine, if you want those rates, then also go back and restore the deductions that have all been phased out.  Point being, revenue collections as a percentage of GDP are virtually unchanged today vs when top rates were 70-90%. 




    Read this a couple hundred times then report back.



    He can read it, but there's a less than 0% chance he will comprehend it, and even if he does there won't be a cogent response. Just more of "you obvi totes don't get socialism man"

  4. 4 minutes ago, dOUblewide said:

    Kyler played with a lot of poise today.  Looks like he might have learned something from that loss. 

    I wonder if they shook hands after the game. 

    Your team just won a conference championship and you’re posting on a rival board. Fucking weird

  5. 2 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    Was reading that a pretty big hedge fund was having to unwind a boatload of positions long oil/gas.  Even after it's pullback from the morning high of 4.86, it's still trading up % around 4.40.  


    Someone probably lost a few BN on the trade though.  Ouch.  The Widowmaker strikes again.  

    Indeed. Buncha people probably had to pack all their shit up today/yesterday

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