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Posts posted by BrickHorn

  1. On 5/30/2024 at 10:34 PM, pacman said:

    I won a game of Secret Hitler last night for the fascist side*, so this story about a shadowy far right chat group cooking up evil schemes hits close to home.

    * I immediately felt queasy about the victory.

  2. 3 hours ago, GreenspointTexas said:

    Lmao there will never be a civil war

    Y’all are overreaching. I agree that the MAGA nitwits are unlikely to start a civil war by rebelling against the state.

    But I am not at all confident that we won’t see a civil war in response to a right wing coup of some kind. Say Trump is elected again and refuses to leave office in four years. The left might rebel in that case. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    No one ever lists the disciples as role models.

    They weren’t even real people. They’re just minor fictional characters in a pretty boring story. It’s like saying you admire Mace Windu.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Once he gets discouraged, he plays uninspired/tired.

    He literally gave up and moped after he missed a third sitter in the first half, and stood there feeling sorry for himself while Portland scored on the counter. That was fucking pathetic. My kids were livid with Wolff for pouting all game (I didn’t notice him so can’t confirm if their ire is justified).

    Pereira had a very bad game but at least I didn’t feel like he wasn’t trying. He just was playing very poorly. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. That was a heartless performance. Embarrassing. I can’t even find the energy to complain about the terrible officiating because it didn’t matter. We played like mopey pussies and deserved to lose. 

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  6. 38 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    How many hostages have been rescued? This operation was never going to work if that was the goal. This is punishment.

    Punishment? Maybe. But also with a little opportunism sprinkled in.

  7. After posting, I did a little research. (New Surly motto?)

    Undocumented immigrants from Mexico have a far lower rate of high school and college education than the American population overall. There was a good deal of analysis after 2016 showing that low educational attainment was one of if not the primary indicators of Trump support. An influx of high school dropouts could be a godsend for the GOP, yet they insist on slandering immigrants. I guess that’s the kind of thing self-destructive cults do.

    • Haha 2
  8. 38 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    But of course to all the people of Hispanic origin who vote for Trump and the GOP, you will be fine. You have nothing to worry about. They won't bother you or your family. You're one of the good ones. 

    This is the crazy thing to me. Let’s be honest: the people crossing the border from Mexico are unlikely to fit the modern American leftist mold. They are far more likely to be religious, socially conservative, traditional working class folks lacking a higher education. You know: the kind of people who tend to support Trump and the GOP. 

    Republicans should be welcoming the influx of potential new allies and courting them to their vile cause. Instead, they’re obsessed with the fantasy that their Spanish-speaking equivalents are flocking here to vote illegally for the party of tolerant atheist intellectual types. Because Trump voters are stupid and will believe anything the TV shouts at them without thinking through whether it makes any fucking sense whatsoever.

    Meanwhile, liberals react to immigration with compassion, because humanity and basic decency is more important than political calculus. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  9. 7 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    I love that the US and Russia signed and bailed. "What, you mean that's actually a crime? Shit, take our name off that shit!"

    I was in the car a lot yesterday. I heard the outrage of Israel's spokespersons at being compared by even one iota with Hamas. In the particulars of the crimes against humanity carried out, Hamas' attack was like opening the doors of Hell for the victims. Hooray for Israel! They cleared that bar!

    Sadly for Israel, pointing to more horrific crimes is generally not a defense for one's own crimes. 

    I would also propose that the focus of the criminal charge is what was done to victims and, for nation states or stateless terrorist groups, who the victims are. In both of these attacks, extreme cruelty was imposed on civilians for no reason whatsoever.

    Lastly, Israel's official denials and assurances come with zero transparency. They control the news, they shoot at dissenting reporters, they heavily restrict access to their slaughter campaign.

    The big Israeli denier yesterday exclaimed something like, "We are a free democracy with a revered Supreme Court, how can you compare us to Hamas?"

    Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter.

    It's your own acts, dickwad.



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