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Posts posted by Welch


    2 hours ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    I’m not a Nancy fan, and I could very well be wrong but I’m guessing she waits until the bipartisan spending bill is in the books before doing anything else.  Otherwise the traitors would scuttle it and blame the democrats for a shutdown.  

    This has been my thought as well.  And it wouldn’t just be a shutdown, but a default.

    I don’t think the administration would want a debt limit breach even in the face of an impeachment, but I’d be happier if it weren’t even an option.

  2. 47 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

    You know, referring to people who love America, its history, and its primary symbol the US flag as racists, nuts and idiots - ON INDEPENDENCE DAY - is possibly not the best look.


    Meanwhile, referring to a sitting Congressman (who also loves his country) as dumb, disloyal, and a total loser - ON INDEPENDENCE DAY - is a terrific look.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, tx 3 putt said:

    Angels pitcher Tyler Skaggs found dead this am, game tonight at Rangers has been cancelled until August 

    Huh.  I thought it was prohibitively difficult to change the schedule on such short notice.  At least, that’s what Daniels said two years ago...

    • Like 2
  4. Certainly not the most egregious thing in this thread, and I’m generally agnostic on the cameras myself.

    But I love the fact that the party of “law and order”, the party that “backs the blue”, the party that’s “for immigration as long as it’s legal, but these people are illegal...” has such a problem with devices to aid in law enforcement.

    Couldn’t be that their “law and order” stuff only applies when the targets are primarily people of color, could it?  And when cameras like this start affecting affluent white folks, suddenly they have to start looking for nuance and shades of gray?

  5. Quote

    “Those were the principles under which we operated. And from them, we concluded that we would not reach a determination one way or the other about whether the president committed a crime. That is the office's final position and we will not comment on any other conclusions or hypotheticals about the president.”


    “And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”


    Forgive my ignorance on this (and forgive me if you guys have covered this in the thread), but what am I missing here?  How can both of these be true?

    Seems like in the first he’s saying he decided he wouldn’t make a determination “one way or the other”, but in the second he’s saying that he would have made and publicized a certain determination if the facts had led him to it.


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    • Haha 1
  6. I’d like to think that the addition of Murray and Walker, and another year of growth from White, would at least be enough to push us into the conference semis.  If you have those guys and stay relatively healthy all season, you have a shot at a higher seed which immediately boosts those chances.

    But expecting a team led by LA and DeMar to be a real contender is foolish at this point.  We knew that in the abstract, but last night crystallized it.

    • Like 1
  7. 24 minutes ago, Radical Larry said:

    Cunningham, Pondexter, and D-Mo are gone. I think they'll want Gay back. Patty needs to go, but we're stuck on that contract for two more years. 

    He’s a good guy and he was a key piece of the 2013-2014 teams, but Patty is just atrocious now.

    i can’t figure out if he’s worse on the defensive end or on the offensive end as a ball handler.  Each time down court I change my mind.

    It’s a cruel twist to the old, “Could Kawhi get buckets on Kawhi?” thing.  Stoppable force meets movable object.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, C-Man said:

    Just rolled it back. Pop was on the court yelling at his guys to press them. He obviously wasn’t screaming at his guys to foul for some reason.

    1)  I don’t think that’s “obvious”.

    2)  Even if you’re right about what Pop was yelling, LaMarcus also didn’t apply any pressure. So he either didn’t hear him or chose to ignore him 

    3)  An NBA player shouldn’t need to be told what to do in that situation.  Forbes was pretty clearly telling LA to foul.

  9. 59 minutes ago, hornfan785 said:

    Just gotta hope OKC loses once between their games vs Houston and the Bucks, and the Spurs take care of Dallas.

    OKC really doesn’t matter anymore, do they?  I mean, I’m figuring the 6 and 7 seeds are pretty much interchangeable.

    As long as we beat Dallas (which is *far* from a given this season), we’re assured of no worse than 7th.

  10. 8 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I believe Mueller/Rosenstein will be separately submitting their evidence of Dotard crimes to Jerry Nadler on their way out the door. (obstruction, witness tampering, FARA, money laundering, fraud, etc).

    That’s when the fun will begin. 

    As usual, this will work out well for Republicans. They’ve spent the last eight years establishing Congressional committees as partisan shams.

    Mueller and Rosenstein could hand Nadler the smoking pee tape and half the country wouldn’t believe it since it came out of Congress.  Hell, a third of the country wouldn’t believe it even if lifelong Republican Mueller released it himself. 

  11. Need to go 20-10 in our final 30 to get to 50 wins.

    For comparison, we’ve gone exactly 20-10 since Dec. 1.

    Considering the way this team plays (wins over Toronto, Philly, Boston, Houston, Indiana, GS, Denver... but losses to Memphis, Phoenix, and Chicago), it’s probably not even worth trying to analyze the schedule.

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, horn4life said:

    I personally hope Trump thinks he looks strong and powerful by declaring a National Emergency.  Then you can watch the GOP tear itself apart trying to support a level of stupidity never ever before seen in politics.  And watch the stabilization of support for Trump flutter futher downward.  As Republicans in the Senate begin to see their only chance at not getting wiped out in 2020 is voting to impeach and hoping that a reset with a noble knight of the people like Mike Pence will energize the base  not lose so many Senate seats they can't block the Dems expanding the Supreme court to 11 or 13 judges.

    To be fair, they have plenty of experience in this particular area.

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