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Everything posted by CurlyDumps

  1. Justin Fields is so fucking terrible. Finally gets into the red zone after 3 quarters of pathetic failing then drives his own head into the ground and concusses himself. Shout out to the consensus top five preseason ranking by the "experts." He's the worst QB in the league.
  2. Nico Collins - 80 targets and a bunch of points on my bench first two weeks. Insert into lineup, worthless production while his team scores 34 points. okay cool.
  3. NFL coaches fucking love field goals.
  4. CurlyDumps

    tOSU at ND

    Day wouldn't be that triggered unless there was some truth in what Holtz said. What a fucking weirdo. And Freeman isn't fooling anyone.
  5. If Jeter was on your rec league team, he wouldn't be pinch fucking hitting.
  6. Anyone else see that band member eat shit on the runout thing? Lol
  7. Being indecisive, holding the ball too long, weak innacurate throws...sounding famiilar yet?
  8. Sounds totally on brand. This is the same douchebag who blurred out dorm room windows because they oversaw the practice field. That story continues to amuse me.
  9. Tom Herman, talent evaluator & developer extraordinaire, ran off Cam Rising for Casey Thompson and Hudson Card.
  10. Heyyy somehow I actually started Kirk in one of my leagues. Good job aggie.
  11. Not surprising at all given he behavior he exhibited in the first case.
  12. I benched Kirk for Romeo Doubs after his pathetic limp dick week 1. Fuck Kirk and fuck Trevor Downs.
  13. This is huge for the Surly 6 wins bet outcome.
  14. Wonder what Paul Wadlington will have to say after this. He reveled in mocking Texas fans for worrying about this game.
  15. Hopefully they've spent enough time outside the fart huffing chambers for the smells to dissipate.
  16. Jimbo's replacement lookin shaky tonight.
  17. Apparently Mack has been workshopping a new excuse for why he underperformed: too much talent in the state of Texas. I don't recall ever hearing that one. Starts around 32:00.
  18. New Explosions in the Sky album dropped today. Listening to track one now. https://explosionsinthesky.bandcamp.com/album/end
  19. If only Coach Prime would have co-opted your opinion and worked it into his pre-game speech, maybe CU would have won by more than 22.
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