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Posts posted by thrillhammer

  1. On 5/12/2024 at 1:21 PM, horn4life said:

    I live in NW Austin and I almost never go that way anymore.  My mind begins to explode with the slow fuckers in the "fast/passing" lane on 35, and then the 410 South has been suckage for years.  At least for the most part folks know to GTFO of my way once you hit 37.  If it's a weekday I tend to roll down 183 as the ferry ride is sort of fun. But about now if I am not arriving early in the day I just go south on the one shitty section of 80 at Luling down through Kennedy and hook up to 37 in Mathis.  I doubt it's any less time, but I arrive in Port A in a much better frame of mind!

    I am trying to figure out how to get down there again, but taking care of my Dad has killed my usual springtime forays.  But looks like the weather has been blowing so much with high tides that I haven't missed much beach time.  I'm curious to see how the staffing is gonna be at the new 3 story place that I assume is going to be open soon.

    i lived in san antonio for 11 years, and i could have my kayak in the water in 2 hrs  it's closer to 4 now that i'm back in austin.  so much harder, plus having to deal with the ferry now.  if you only went once or twice a year, you could deal with it.  but its a real bummer to try to get down there for a quick day of fishing with this drive.  has definitely put a damper in my fishing.

  2. 11 hours ago, Slacks said:

    Is Buffalo Trace hard to get? 

    was in frankfort for spring break and they were flying off the shelf like they were gold.  i had no idea it was hard to find now either, but was at 3 liquor stores here in austin on monday and didnt see a bottle.

  3. 9 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    My Spec’s funk is going on 3 years. I had to twist their arm on last score, and the Wild Turkey Generations was a car payment. They seem to enjoy the social media attention long lines and floor drops bring. I’m still shocked they put both of the big 13th Colony releases and 1924 out front. Those are automatic call list items in recent years. 

    My options are very limited. The Memorial Total Wine might be the worst location in the southern United States. Goody Goody is down to 1 store in Houston and its long ass drive littered with stoplights. Twin is still suburbs only. You could go to WB 100 times and never find anything. Posting WB scores on Facebook is a flipper red flag. Roma and Ly’s are terrific for store picks, but I don’t shop there enough to make their allocated list. I’m not driving to NASA. And that’s about it. The rest of the city is a lot of mom and pop stores with glass cases and museum prices if they can get allocated bottles at all. 

    i've gotten turned off of specs and rarely go anymore.  i've had some suspicious suggestions, that probably work on a lot of bourbon shoppers, but that's not really it.  i just think total is a more pleasant experience.   the one suspicious thing about total is, that have about 10 brands you never heard of or seen in your life.  makes you wonder.  and they'll have 8 cases of one of them stacked in the aisle.  if a liquor stored ordered a case of buffalo trace, they might get one bottle.  how you gonna get 8 cases of something?  red flags a-flappin.  if you buys 8 cases of this i'll let you use my timeshare in cabo.  somekind of kickback deal going on.

    when i lived in san antonio it was a dearth of liquor stores.  austin is lucky to have many quality independent liquor stores.  i hit a few routinely, and still like to visit total but mostly for non-bourbon things.


  4. 2 hours ago, DixonHur said:

    Not sure that's a good comp since they literally tried out several hosts and he ended up being the last one standing.

    He also has an Emmy nomination.  

    he was the first choice but wasnt sure he wanted to do it.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Texzilla588 said:

    I game could have had so many different results if these morons had played their idols. I think if Q played his and Charlie had gone, Maria likely goes to finals and wins. She should be back for any allstars season; one of the best to play deep and not make it as she was strong in challenges and social.

    Charlie came across so arrogant and Kenzie as humble and playing her best game.

    Liz’s delusions that if she made it to top three she had it won were ludicrous. Announcing herself as a millionaire not needing the money is a path to zero. So fucking annoying. She will be yammering about how she nearly won survivor til she dies.

    agree with all of this.  liz was one of the worst players in the history of the series.  epic failure on the producers for not vetting better.   for her to say they were toast, that she had them so beat, what the hell?   she needs to get out of her head a little.   and blaming her wrists for not being able to make fire?  she can hold a fork okay at applebees, but not a knife?

    going into the final three, when it was up to the jury, i thought charlie had it.  he was the most strategic of the three.   he lost it at the last tribal.  totally came off poorly, like you said, whereas kenzie came off as the nice one.

    i think it was one of the best seasons ever though.  so many wild turns and unpredictable stuff happening.  never has there been a more unpredictable final 4 than that one.  the nerdiest, mousiest, least intimidating final 4 ever.  no one would have predicted those 4 to be the last standing.  crazy season.


  6. 32 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Y'all remember Martin Brothers?  Those idiots almost killed me.  I have a severe peanut allergy, which I always have to explain to waitstaff, and YET they still served me a salad with a peanut dressing.  "Oh, I didn't think it would be a problem in salad dressing."

    i had forgotten about martin brothers.  according to the google, they opened in '80, same year as whole foods (because they were in whole foods for awhile).  closed in '97.

    el patio is a place i forgot that is also still there on that stretch from the early 80's.  

  7. i cant think of too many places that were around in the early 80's that are are still around on that stretch of guadalupe.  party barn and thundercloud are about all that come to mind.   what i always thought was funny about wheatsville was there was a birkenstock store right next door.  

    wheatsville pre-dates whole foods by 4 yrs.  i doubt they give them credit but i dont think there would have ever been a whole foods without wheatsville giving them the idea.

  8. 3 hours ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    Kenzie is a worthy winner IMO, but Maria not voting for Charlie has to be one of the biggest Survivor betrayals ever.

    my thought was she had every intention of voting for him until he said he was using her as a shield.  her eyes got real big as if he was shocked thats how he saw things.

  9. 40 minutes ago, South Austin said:

    Very fond memories of that place . . . for some people, I guess.

    i lived a couple of blocks away from '82-'92.  i shopped there a couple of times. i respected it for what it was and what they were trying to do, but surprised it lasted this long.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 13 hours ago, Deej said:

    That would be Season 12, Boston. They had a cranberry challenge then. This show has run out of ideas.

    i'm sure i watched it but dont recall that season at all. just googled all the locations for all the seasons and seems like they've covered them all (except maybe new mexico).  no wonder they picked wisconsin.   whats next, iowa?  I think the blandness of wisconsin, coupled with the missing padma was a double whammy.  kristen hasnt done a terrible job though.  homeboy might win this thing.  he started out shaky but is hitting his stride at the right time.

  11. On 5/19/2024 at 8:07 PM, Okie State said:

    Having a hard time getting into this season. I find myself tuning out before the end of each episode.

    its been a pretty boring season,  but that's wisconsin for you.   you kind of knew going into it this was going to be a stretch - beer, cheese, bar snacks.  this is not a good food destination.  the chefs are having a hard time with it, but the producers are having just as difficult a time coming up with decent challenges.  i would have saved the cranberries for a new england season (which i hope they think of soon).  

    i dont think the chefs are that bad.  a lot of talent.  they're just young, theyre no masters or allstars but all decent chefs putting out good food.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. On 3/17/2024 at 8:51 PM, hobbes2702 said:

    Is this all we have on the movie?
    Finally saw it now that it’s on a streamer we have. Really enjoyed it. Multiple lines made me laugh out loud. 

    i thought it was one of the best movies i've seen in month.  saw it a few weeks ago the weekend it came out on whatever premium channel it came out on.   very well done.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 14 hours ago, Texzilla588 said:

    I’m confused by Maria. Why didn’t she tell q to play his idol if she was out for Charlie. She made an enemy with Q by telling him he was golden and him not using his idol. But Charlie was stupid taking Liz over Marie. He made an enemy there.

    i dont agree with this at all.  you could have said that about the last 5 tribals where someone has gone home with an idol.  anyone could have told that person to play their idol but chose to mislead them.  thats part of the game.  kenzie knew people wanted to vote tiff, but never mentioned it.  she told them it wasnt the right time and mistakenly thought they agreed with her.  maria mistakingly thought everyone agreed to vote charlie so didnt warn q.

    and i also disagree that it was stupid to take liz over maria.  i believe all 4 left are crystal clear that maria is going to win this thing.  it needs to be 4 against 1, and maria has to know that too, and that the day she loses immunity is the day she goes home.

    what i thought was the most interesting part of the episode was charlie and maria sitting on the boat together saying how close they are and how i cant wait for my kids to meet uncle charlie, while behind their backs they're plotting and scheming to blindside the other.  


    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. On 4/14/2024 at 5:10 PM, troph said:

    Last time I went out we got over powered by the wind and that sucked. 

    today was gorgeous, another down wind tack that made my heart sing. Wife and I enjoying the dock life with wine and cheese wishing we were in Catalina.



    looks like lakeway marina.

  15. 1 hour ago, BigDHornfan said:


    Who has $7500 burning a hole in their pocket?
    Go fuck yourself Buffalo Trace.

    just what we needed, another unicorn.   they have a vodka that's outrageously priced too.  i'll take the wheatley for $20, thank you.  

  16. 1 hour ago, kevwun said:

    Q's was the biggest screwup of all the people sent home with an idol in their pocket this year.  When people who hate you agree with your plan to vote out Charlie immediately and with no discussion, most people would have been nervous.

    this has to be the best liars of any season. hunter was the only one that had an intuition he might be blindsided.  no one else had a clue.   we have to be getting close to a record for players voted out with idols in their pocket.

    pretty impressive run for maria to be near a record for immunity wins by a female.   will be interesting to see how she handles being on the wrong side of the vote for the first time.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  17. i watched it last night and laughed my ass off.  i thought it was hilarious.  its ron burgundy/dumb and dumber kind of dumb, but as long as you arent expecting something highbrow you should be fine.  ironically, jerry seinfeld is the worst actor in the movie and probably the least funny.  i do agree with one of the posters above that commented about the target age demographic.  it definitely helps to be over 50 to get this era of american society.   last comment: hugh grant was almost academy award worthy.  great performance from him in this.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  18. i came across a newsfeed article about a place off jones or west road - jersey village/cyfair area.  can anyone think of a place out that way that would be worthy of writing an article about them?  may have been about barbacoa, may have been about menudo.   there was something that stood out there.  i meant to save but seems lost forever now.

    • Haha 1

    1 hour ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    It’s high rye MGP. Any distilleries that closed, MGP likely put out of business. 

    the stories on the back label usually come across as fluff and hogwash.  some kind of marketing ploy to make the bourbon stand out when there is nothing in the bottle to make the bourbon stand out.   i'm not saying its bullshit, but a distillery closing in the last 20 years is like a munitions plant closing during wartime.  there's just too much demand.  ive heard of thefts, and fires, and massive spills, and mergers and buyouts, but am not aware of any closures.

  20. 13 hours ago, idigTexas said:

    Same.  Maria could have easily justified taking Q because he took her last time.  Saying she wanted to reward people who needed to eat was a mistake, and a bit out of character considering how well she has been playing.  

    Charlie is clearly playing the best game. 

    I find Kenzie and Ben both likeable, but I don't think Ben is smart enough to make any moves, and Kenzie keeps waiting for some reason.  

    I do not think Q will be rewarded if he makes it to final tribal, but I guess that depends on who else is there.  If neither Maria or Charlie make it to the end, Q probably has a better chance than I want to believe.  

    ben's the only one left thats not even playing.  he's just voting for whoever they tell him to and hanging on.  no chance of winning.  q is not really playing anymore either, since he's been the villain for the past 4 days.  he's the only reason so many have left with idols in their pocket.  every time he's been the slam dunk target.  amazing he's still here.  shows how the deception and lies are stronger with this group than past.  no one has had a clue or a hint of an instinct theyre about to be blindsided.  usually you have a hunch thats somethings not right by the way you see be talking or whispering, or the look in their eye when they're talking to you.  this is master deception.  hunter is the only one that had a feeling but they reassured him at tribal not to play it while stabbing him in the back.  never seen that happen before.

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