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Posts posted by triplehorn

  1. This ski hike today at Bennett Pass in the Mt. Hood Natl Forest was a lot more rewarding than the pics suggest.  There was 8-12" of pow everywhere and it never stopped dumping, so making tracks all day took a toll. 

    I cut my route by more than a third due to the conditions, but most importantly nailed down the location of a hidden clear cut for freshies that could only be defined by approaching from elevation below and linking through the woods above it to the main trail to know exactly where to drop in.  I was too gassed to do another lap on the big find, but I'll be back.




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  2. 8 minutes ago, yaqdum said:

    i'm wondering if mueller is waiting for trump to step into that trap.

    Firing Mueller would be further evidence of a guilty conscience and coverup.  If it happens and GOP Congress does nothing, they get two coats of guilt. 


  3. Consider:

    -- the very high bar for granting a search warrant to confiscate an attorney's files and devices

    --the especially high standard given whose attorney is being raided

    --that a warrant is granted due to a high degree of likelihood (evidence) a crime has been/is being committed

    --and that POTUS is named multiple times in said warrants granted due to evidence of a crime

    Irrespective of claims of subject or target status, it's break the fucking glass time for Donald Trump.

  4. 30 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    It’s really starting to come together now.  

    Cohen’s August/September connections to the hackers alleged in the Dossier and the potential of fixer Cohen reaching out to his Wikileaks/hackers once the the Access Hollywood tape hit the media.  


    No wonder Trump is freaked the fuck out.


    The appearance of timed and tight coordination between Trump campaign messaging pivots and leaks of stolen hacked information has always been at the crux of it - real time dynamic coordination between Trump campaign and Russian military intelligence/troll farms/fake news bots to maximize effect.  

    It's been revealed to be far more complex and multi-layered, but there are zero degrees of separation between Trump and his consigliere, Michael Cohen.  

  5. Srsly WTF.  You have to bury the head separately from the body to kill these fuckers.

    Cohen-Watnick is one of the WH cadre that moled his way into highly classified information that wound up in the hands of Devin Nunes for that wiretapping stunt last Spring presenting info to the WH that was derived from the WH.

    2 White House Officials Helped Give Nunes Intelligence Reports


    Mr. Cohen-Watnick, 30, is a former Defense Intelligence Agency official who served on the Trump transition team and was originally brought to the White House by Michael T. Flynn, the former national security adviser.

    He was nearly pushed out of his job this month by Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, who replaced Mr. Flynn as national security adviser, but survived after the intervention of Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, and Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump’s chief strategist.

    The officials who detailed the newly disclosed White House role said that this month, shortly after Mr. Trump claimed on Twitter that he was wiretapped during the campaign on the orders of President Barack Obama, Mr. Cohen-Watnick began reviewing highly classified reports detailing the intercepted communications of foreign officials.

    There were conflicting accounts of what prompted Mr. Cohen-Watnick to dig into the intelligence. One official with direct knowledge of the events said Mr. Cohen-Watnick began combing through intelligence reports this month in an effort to find evidence that would justify Mr. Trump’s Twitter posts about wiretapping.

    But another person who was briefed on the events said Mr. Cohen-Watnick came upon the information as he was reviewing how widely intelligence reports on intercepts were shared within the American spy agencies. He then alerted the N.S.C. general counsel, but the official said Mr. Cohen-Watnick was not the person who showed the reports to Mr. Nunes.

    That person and a third official said it was then Mr. Ellis who allowed Mr. Nunes to view the material.


  6. 25 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Cambridge Analytica is just a front operation for SCL group. There are several of them. According to Wylie, no one that worked for CA was paid by checks from CA.  They all got paid from SCL, including Michael Flynn.

    Perhaps it was a reporting oversight, but correct.  I view them as the same (CA as front operation), but SCL is the mother ship that Nix initially had to abandon, and now Tayler.  CA has the more direct link to several notable Americans, SCL to notable pro-Putin Ukrainian oligarch Dimitri Firtash.

  7. Cambridge Analytica probably deserves its own thread, but CA worked hand in glove w FB during the 2016 Trump campaign:

    Re CA, this, after just a couple weeks at the helm, if that:


    JUST IN: Alexander Tayler has stepped down as acting CEO of Cambridge Analytica - company

    Shit's goin down

  8. When you take a step back and look at Mueller's mandate and the team he has assembled, it looks more like Donald is just that first pebble in the dam that dislodges, triggering a sudden massive flood.  This is about a lot more than "getting POTUS."

  9. 15 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Well it's certainly not a requirement that impeachment be based on misconduct in office, but that's what everyone expects.  And, there's an argument that Mueller should not include much on criminal activity outside the scope of campaign-election-related "collusion."

    While there is likely ample evidence of Trump criminality outside of campaign-election-related "collusion," I think what gets revealed by Mueller's investigation within the mandate will shock the conscience.  The only GOP in Congress not responding accordingly will be those who are also criminally complicit.  Anything less will get processed by the electorate, but I don't think Trump survives Mueller's findings.

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  10. 8 minutes ago, Pods said:

    They're only admitting to about $2500 in membership dues and small contributions. They've changed their answer on Torshin to no comment. 

    The response to Wyden has to do with altering the number of foreign (Russian) contributions to the NRA.  However, go back to the initial McClatchy article reporting on this and you see the massive hidden dimension to this.  It's notable that they're shifting their stance with Wyden given his limited ability to look behind the curtain.  What a multi-agency U.S. law enforcement and counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s intervention has been able to access is likely a very different matter:

    see bolded text:


    Disclosure of the Torshin investigation signals a new dimension in the 18-month-old FBI probe of Russia’s interference. McClatchy reported a year ago that a multi-agency U.S. law enforcement and counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s intervention, begun even before the start of the 2016 general election campaign, initially included a focus on whether the Kremlin secretly helped fund efforts to boost Trump, but little has been said about that possibility in recent months.

    The extent to which the FBI has evidence of money flowing from Torshin to the NRA, or of the NRA’s participation in the transfer of funds, could not be learned.

    However, the NRA reported spending a record $55 million on the 2016 elections, including $30 million to support Trump – triple what the group devoted to backing Republican Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential race. Most of that was money was spent by an arm of the NRA that is not required to disclose its donors.

    Two people with close connections to the powerful gun lobby said its total election spending actually approached or exceeded $70 million. The reporting gap could be explained by the fact that independent groups are not required to reveal how much they spend on Internet ads or field operations, including get-out-the-vote efforts.

    FBI investigating whether Russian money went to NRA to help Trump

    Evidence the money was there exists.  Now where'd it come from and where did it go ?

  11. Worthwhile Twit thread with embedded pdf's of NRA audit balance sheets for '15 v '16

    1) NRA Membership had <3% growth 2015 v 2016

    2) how come there’s a 12,997,055.00 NET Increase?

    3) $66M ‘15 v $25M in ‘16 in undesignated assets?

    4) what did they spent $40M on?



  12. Mueller Seeks Subpoenas for 35 Witnesses for Manafort Trial


    U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller asked a judge in Alexandria, Virginia, to issue 35 sets of subpoenas to witnesses for a trial set to begin on July 10. That’s when President Donald Trump’s former campaign Chairman Paul Manafort is set to go on trial on tax and bank fraud charges.

    Mueller asked for blank subpoenas, with names to be filled in later.

    35 witnesses :ph34r:

  13. 3 hours ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

    Bi-partisan bill to protect Mueller proposed


    “I think the events of the past week have changed some minds in the Republican caucus, that there is a moment here for the Senate to stand up and save the president from himself,” said Coons.

    Even the most accomplished baby-proofer can't save the president from himself.  He's determined to stick his little hand in the electric socket no matter how many times you warn him.

    This isn't about saving POTUS from himself.  No GOP on the Hill believes Mueller and his team of 16+ ace prosecutors is running clock empty handed.  The next step POTUS takes "fighting back" will put the onus squarely on them to DO SOMETHING!  Under no circumstances do they want that anchor dropping in their lap.  Amazing how much of a consensus view this is.  It's bad, but keeping Mueller intact helps keep it somewhat compartmentalized to the WH.

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