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Posts posted by triplehorn

  1. 13 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:


    False. The GOP Congress will do nothing. Zero. Nada. When trump fires rosenstein and Mueller (and he’s gonna fire both). Because...all that matters is their base. The GOP base is 100% Trumpkin now, so GOP officials can’t go against trump. Ever. They’ll be primaried.


    Not saying I disagree, but it's their only clearly most often stated red line.  There's some significance to that declaration.  The significance may only be even greater fear.  Their do nothingness already has them deep deep underground, but this would be a new order of magnitude hell to pay.  It's the disinterested complacent middle to keep an eye on, not Trumpaloons.

    fwiw, I'm still banking on some unsealing of indictments on GOP/RNC when the time calls for it.  It's difficult, but I am learning patience with this ordeal.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

    We're about to get a Saturday Night Massacre but without a congress that will do shit. This is incredibly depressing, bunch of fucking cowards.

    Multiple GOP Senators keep talking about the political devastation for Trump if he fires Mueller.  The real political devastation will be if and when Trump does it and lobs that flaming turd in their laps to do shit about it.  

    Sen. Dent just made a reference to the Tillis and Coons Special Counsel Integrity Act still sitting in an upper desk drawer.

    Trump is screwed either way.  It's the Congressional GOP that still has a marginally intact escape tunnel.  They cannot afford to let Trump gut the investigation and do nothing.


    • Like 1
  3. NBC's Robert Costa today:


    House Intel Chair Devin Nunes privately told several colleagues today that it's time for House GOP to hold Rosenstein and Wray in contempt of Congress, should they refuse to hand over requested docs, according to two people familiar with the discussions...

    he's still kicking.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    He’s probably not as guilty of the underlying conspiracy crimes as he’s made out to be but his constant efforts to obstruct justice and being so myopic in thinking the investigation is all about him will be his undoing.

    Narrator:  He is.

  5. Deripaska Goes From Famous Russian Billionaire to Global Outcast in Just Three Days



    At Davos this year, Oleg Deripaska threw a party with champagne, Russian folk dancers and a performance by Enrique Iglesias. Now the Russian billionaire is on an international blacklist usually reserved for terrorists and warlords.

    On Friday, the U.S. aimed its toughest sanctions at Deripaska’s metals empire, banning Americans from dealing with companies including United Co. Rusal. As the drastic nature of Washington’s move became clear on Monday, the biggest aluminum producer outside China lost half its value in one day.
    "This is economic murder of the company," according to a senior executive at a trading house, who asked not to be identified talking about a customer.



  6. By Trump appointee SDNY US Atty Berman being recused from Cohen investigation, it's reasonable to conclude that the Cohen FBI raids are targeting Trump himself.

    I don't know the granular of this, but Berman is currently an interim appointee.  By recusing and shifting responsibility to others not yet named at SDNY, presumably career DoJ and not a political appointee, could this move serve to insulate this aspect of the investigation from firing Berman and installing an interim fixer ?


  7. SDNY US Atty Berman recused from Cohen investigation per DAG Rosenstein:


    ABC News has learned that Geoffrey Berman, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, is recused from the Michael Cohen investigation. 

    Two sources familiar with the matter tell ABC News Berman was not involved in the decision to raid Cohen's office because of the recusal. 

    The recusal was approved by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. 

    The raid of Cohen's handled by others in the office of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York and approved by a federal judge. 


    Trump-appointed US attorney recused from Michael Cohen investigation

  8. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    So a couple thoughts on this.  If the Cohen raid was directly related to the collusion case, Mueller wouldn't/shouldn't punt it to NY. Or maybe this is all a ruse intended to provide the cover for a case built on parallel construction. Prior to the news breaking on the Cohen raid, I suggested Mueller advocated such tactics to launder intelligence collections for domestic law enforcement use. Use the porn star payoff to crack the door, and findings from the search warrants get distributed back up to Mueller...you just laundered the NSA captures of Cohen's' email and electronic devices. The other possibility, it's a great chess move intended to establish a pardon proof state case against Cohen in NY. So I won't rule out that this all ties back into Russia, but it would be contrary to the proper handling of the investigation, and conflicting with what the off the record sources are putting out into the media. 

    To be clear, Mueller didn't send this to SDNY, the No. 2 at DoJ and Trump appointee, Rod Rosenstein, made the decision.

  9. 2 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Putin wants to stir up trouble for the US wherever he can. His attack on our election could be (likely is) related to the US condemnation of Russian elections and his legitimacy. His hold on Trump was a lucky card that was thrown into his hand rather than a master plan.

    Putin runs a mafia state.  I believe this is much more a desperate fight for his long term survival and preservation of their brand of international corruption than you credit.

    US is the 900 pound gorilla.  The long game has been culling those Americans willing to play a high risk/high reward game of corruption with Putin to further their expansion and shifting the world to mob rules.

    • Like 2
  10. 6 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    So a couple thoughts on this.  If the Cohen raid was directly related to the collusion case, Mueller wouldn't/shouldn't punt it to NY. Or maybe this is all a ruse intended to provide the cover for a case built on parallel construction. Prior to the news breaking on the Cohen raid, I suggested Mueller advocated such tactics to launder intelligence collections for domestic law enforcement use. Use the porn star payoff to crack the door, and findings from the search warrants get distributed back up to Mueller...you just laundered the NSA captures of Cohen's' email and electronic devices. The other possibility, it's a great chess move intended to establish a pardon proof state case against Cohen in NY. So I won't rule out that this all ties back into Russia, but it would be contrary to the proper handling of the investigation, and conflicting with what the off the record sources are putting out into the media. 

    The immediate optics of the US Atty for SDNY signing off on the raid is that it makes it about about a lot more than Mueller.  It renders Trump's assault on the DoJ as this being "an attack on our country" even more unhinged.  He's just aiming at holograms in a house of mirrors now.

    The cooperation between the OSC and NYAG Schneiderman (State jurisdiction) has been public since last summer.  Now the US Atty for SDNY makes it a 3 pronged effort.  Information will continue to be shared within our system of justice, and targets for Trump and his legal legionnaires will remain multiple and diffuse.  Good luck with that.

  11. 32 minutes ago, Nolacycling said:

    Oh really? What did you shoot yesterday? Overall these country clubbers are making more money through the stock market and those damn EPA rules are going away. These are the same educated people that elected Trump. And they kept their mouth closed the entire campaign because there was nothing to defend and then shocked the world in the voting booth. Even if if is clearly shown that he colluded with Putin, it's onto Pence and thank god it wasn't Hillary, because she makes our head hurt.

    Oh man, Pence was picked by someone who directed Manafort to make it happen w Trump.  Pence was picked VP because it was pre-determined by someone that he would be a willing cog, imo. 

    As head of Trump's Transition Team, Pence has been playing the lying game all along, most obviously re Mike Flynn but most assuredly in multiple other ways.  Pence becoming the POTUS would be as much of a death trap for him as it is for Trump.

  12. Quote
     9 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Maybe I'm wrong, and the triplehorn's of the board and their easter congressional perp walk projections are spot on. I'll fucking eat that crow if that day comes, and there is no doubt that a significant number of posters here will line up to ensure that plays out. 

    It's been over a year, so duly granted the timing was off, but every single bit, and then some, remains in play. 

    The size and scope of this investigation combined with complicit dereliction of Congressional GOP makes timelines a little tricky.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Grandioso said:


    I have a feeling Mueller is at the end phase of his investigation. The fact we had coordinated raids today tells me they aren't worried about any other firms having relevant dirt.

    There's some experienced talking heads (Frank Figliuzzi for one) saying the same.  This is an end game type move.  They knew specifically what they were going after and where to find it.  

    However, it stands to reason there could be an extensive web of information contained within that grab.

  14. Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Whatever happens, the midterms are all that matters.  I see no possible way it’s going to get any better for the GOP.



    Apr 3, 2017 - President Trump's longtime attorney Michael Cohen will be a deputy national finance chairman of the Republican National Committee, the RNC announced on Monday.


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