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Everything posted by VinyVango

  1. I had a retinal injury that made graph paper look like their floor... bringing back bad flashbacks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. The first step would be to get Few, Wright, Bennett, Beard and Donovan to say "nope". It gets blurry after that... Painter, Altman, Bielein are solid Rick Barnes level guys (A-/B+) ... Musselman and Grant are good against lesser competition ... Marshall? Underwood? I don't think we will even consider Pearl or Sampson, but think they should get an offer before we gamble on other guys.
  3. When a coach is on a seat as hot as Shaka's right now, there's two paths, much like flight or fight. You either scramble, mix things up, and try the kitchen sink against the wall to fight for anything that might work so you can at least say you tried it all and it wasn't meant to be... or, you turtle and stubbornly stick to the dysfunction and pump the fans-vs-team script. It's evident that Shaka is going to stick to his guns and keep banging his head against the wall. The season is shot. Might as well let him go and let the assistants experiment with game plans, line-ups, drills in practice, etc... so that the incoming coach can see what he has to work with. There are some players that have phoned it in and exhibited some pretty strong "I give up" during the recent games who need a game or two on the bench to remind them that it's a privilege to be playing college ball with a full ride scholarship. At this point, I wouldn't be crushed to see the whole thing gutted. It would be kinda nice to keep Kai Jones and Hepa and some other tools for the next coach to build with. It would be nice to see more of Williams and see if Baker and Cunningham have anything to offer. It would be great if Sims and Coleman stick around another year. The other guys all have something to offer if used the right way and given consequences for poor ball protection, poor defensive effort, and very poor shot selection.
  4. That’s been one of several glaring face-palm level weaknesses of the team for at least 3 years Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Everyone getting their shots up early ... zero team play or pride Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. All of our guards have phoned it in... no desire to break a sweat or even be on the floor evident... sloppy passes... poor shot decisions ... and slow jogging on defense Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. It was not so much the opponent or even the point difference last night that was the nail in the coffin. It was the recurrent lack of a plan the players could execute / comprehend, lack of energy, lack of passion, lack of basic fundamentals, lack of discipline, lack of adjustments to adversity, and absence of basic common sense exhibited by coach and players. It was also the coach's recurrent in-game, defeated body language and recurrent post-game excuse of not having his players properly prepared. Even with the same end result last night, I would have been a vast improvement in my book for Shaka to call a timeout to chew his players asses about lack of aggression, chew the refs out about some of the imbalanced foul calling, and get T'd-up and booted from the game before half time. That would have at least shown some fire and passion and maybe some of his players would have fed off of it.... something to have shown us you "want it".
  8. I kind of like Kai and Hepa. I'd like to see Sims stick it out here, but it's cool if he wants to play his final year back home up north. I wouldn't feel disappointed if any other player transferred. Burn it down it to the ground if you have to. Shaka needs to be a man and turn the reigns over to Yaklich for the rest of the season. It would be admirable if the did it for a fair buy-out based upon his poor performance. He's lost any semblance of hope there might have been. If TJ feels that strongly, get him to step up as a interim paid consultant for the rest of the year. I guess one big question is who we want next year if the likes of Donovan, Pearl, Beard, and the other proven coaches say "no". I wish we had a guy like Few.
  9. Shaka playing hepa wirh 3 fouls rather than bring baker off the bench ... wow Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. This game is over ... put in some guys that never get to play ... Coleman, Ramey, and febres mailed it in 8 minutes ago... and Liddell seems like he’s never dribbled anything but saliva in his life ... Huggins has his scrubs in! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Were struggling mightily even to pass backwards Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Men against mice right now Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Kai Jones and Hepa are going to be in deep water on the interior tonight... WV plays two 6"10"+, 250 lbs +, athletic men inside that are going to make it a greater uphill battle for us to score inside or grab boards. Could get ugly quick(er) if Sims gets into foul trouble.
  14. I will seriously wonder if he starts putting in more time on his corn rows than his free throws.
  15. Baker is a teenager who needs a wake up call and some strong coaching in how to smartly develop and use his physical advantages and basketball skills. Shaka is analogous to a pet owner with a potentially really cool, but out of control, hunting dog that could be awesome if he decided to teach it some basics. For some reason he allows the dog to keep pissing in the same spot on the rug and smiles it off. At about 0-5 from distance, he should've pulled Baker aside and said, "now that you have that out of your system, lets use you in a way that might benefit you and your team". At 0-10, he should have gone borderline Bobby Knight on Baker and restricted him from shooting anything outside the paint until further notice. Baker is a giant who was probably a fat, awkward kid just a few years ago. He'll will realize he's got some significant advantages he can use at some point. One would hope his coaches would expedite that process, but it looks like he's just getting the "go have fun" level of instruction.
  16. Does the Chief Justice hear and rule upon evidence objections (relevance, hearsay, etc...) during witness questioning and/or introduction of exhibits? Will the impeachment presenters / prosecution team call Trump as a witness if witnesses are allowed?
  17. Cerrone doesn't really have a 3rd gear. He's methodical. He takes a while to get loose. His chin is suspect at this point in his career and he's been stopped by body shots when he was a younger tougher man. He prefers to stand nowadays and will need to chop at Conor's lead leg and body a bit with kicks to make him honest. Conor will hit 3rd or 4th gear within the 1st round. He will gas out well before 5 rounds. Cerrone could accelerate Conor's gas tank drain if he somehow is able to make him defend some ju jitsu... but Cerrone hasn't really shown much ability/desire to get guys into a grappling contest in his past several fights. If Cerrone can make it through 3 rounds and can do so without being busted up in pure survival mode, he has a solid chance to beat Conor, once Conor's gas is low and his speed, movement, and defense become sloppier due to fatigue. Based on Cerrone's last 2 fights, I think Conor wins by TKO/KO in round one. If Cerrone somehow survives 3 rounds without getting beaten close to death and can get some work done with kicks, maybe he knocks Conor off balance and taps him out.
  18. Zero cuts to the basket, zero looks inside by guards, zero interior screens or passes. All of our motion (which is basically a pick and roll with the 3 guys standing still) is geared towards passing the ball back out. Our guys have given up open layups to throw the ball out to Febres for a brick. It looks like our most complex "offense" is a weave you see run by teams at the end of games when the game is over, usually with no player even hinting they might cut to the basket. This past game, Hepa actually made a few drives (w dunks) to the basket. It's sad he waited until 1/2 way through year 2 before doing that... perhaps it's because he didn't want to screw up and get pulled immediate for more Febres. These players are young. They need tough love and lots of conditioning to do stuff they didn't have to do or that was very easy in high school. Hepa and Sims look like are finally starting to "get it" most. Ramey has some toughness, but makes too many repeat mistakes that should've been coached out of him 10 games ago. Febres and AJ are fair weather, soft players. When things go their way and they can flex after a 3 point shot, they may decide to play with energy on defense. The instance something isn't easy, they get bodied up by an opponent, they fold. They pull up every time there's a turnover and don't seem interested in helping those players that are trying to prevent an uncontested break. Coleman is an overall +, but he still too often oscillates between dribbling too long or driving a bit too fast without any idea what he's going to do if he gets cut off. It's like he's waiting for and expecting things that have been diagrammed on the magnet board that aren't happening in the game. I like Jai, but he is being allowed to develop some lazy habits on offense (like Baker). Both of these guys have tools that can help now if pressed to focus on them rather than getting their 3-point shots up. I seems like we don't have any player, aside from Sims, who wants the ball anywhere inside the 3 point line. None seem interested (perhaps due to zero coaching up) in setting off ball screens. The play by Hepa and Sims has provided a glimpse of light in the abyss. I wonder what changed. Did they just now figure out what the coaches have been telling them? Did they just recently get coached up to do what they've been doing of late? Or, have they independently figure out they need to step up and provide a little interior play? No answers to any of these questions shines favorably for Shaka. Even if the team just isn't getting it, you sit players who continue to fuck up and change ways to get things taught. I'd start Coleman, Ramey, Hepa, Jai and Sims from here out. AJ and Febres can help off the bench if you keep them around the 15 min target. Get Hamm and Liddell out of their own heads focused on good defense and rebounding. Let Baker know he is 7' tall and expected to play like one of the larger men on the floor. He's a + passer and has good hands. How about showing him how to post up low and encouraging him to fire passes from the post. Tell him shooting 3's is no longer a option if he wants mins, unless he's wide open and we are up by 13 points. One of Hamm, Liddell, and Baker needs to get the train on the tracks and start playing basic solid tall man basketball. We don't need a hero at their spot. Just someone who can make an opponent alter a shot and hold onto a rebound without fumbling the ball. AJ and Febres need to play with 100% effort when they don't have the ball in their hands and quit sagging off their man on defense. They also need to quit flexing on made shots. Kansas come in angry about being beaten by Baylor and West Virginia has two grown ass men playing PF and C. Sims will be outnumbered. Jai and Hepa will be in deep water defending and rebounding inside. I suspect our guards will resort to contested threes and a jogging back on defense when the going gets slightly intense. I hope I'm wrong.
  19. And he’s taken out of the game for a 4 guard lineup that plays to OK states strength Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Wtf?... running out the clock offense with 7 mins... funk that shit Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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