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Everything posted by BabaYaga

  1. Maybe not the best "safe room" during a tornado....
  2. Siemens along with Vestas are two of the larger turbine manufacturers out there right now.
  3. We call those W.Texas racing stripes
  4. The apex of physical conditioning. Minus the weight cutting part. Another soccer dad, his youngest is a wrestler. Like a little chimp. He F's people up. Eyeing Ok State - which has a beast of a program. Have you watched Vision Quest with him yet....;)
  5. So. You have an inner ass tattoo? And we're just learning about this now?
  6. Get him a sword and tell him the bushes need trimming?
  7. What types of games? I took my video-game nut son who loves FP shooter games to the gun range. He talks a big game and I just had pistols, so we rented an AR they had and turned him loose. "Little different, huh". The noise, shells bouncing off the bay walls and hitting him. Having to hold it steady. He loved it, but also got a little perspective and now all he wants to do is go shooting. Wasn't planned, but it sure was effective. I've done the same thing with scoped, bolt-guns at our place. In the games you can hit out to XYZ yards. Ok. go for it.......now he knows
  8. 100%. Seen it too many times. We've avoided this by keeping the kids in multiple sports that compliment one another. The big difference are the parents that grind their kids into moon dust and kids that push themselves. My youngest we have to reign in. Some kids are just hyper-driven but can also get overwhelmed - which is what I'm dealing with now. Food. Sleep. Practice. School. Time mgmt.
  9. Depends upon the sport. My kids played soccer, so I can speak to that. The barrier to entry is minimal. When they played Classic League, most of the teams were lower income, Hispanic kids and we've moved up with many of the same families we started with. Most clubs subsidize dues if needed, but it's the travel that gets you. Many families carpool, share rooms, etc to mitigate the costs. Sports also suffers from the same issue kids are having with phones/social media - they have it because everyone else has it. If your kids are good at their sport, along with their peers, they all join competitive leagues and the level of competition is commensurate. It only gets tougher the higher you go. Then again, you have many HS players that are damn good players that don't play club ball and are fine with that. The difference are touches/time and the quality of the coaches. Keep in mind also that MANY kids peel away as the leagues get more and more competitive.
  10. T&P for your catalytic converter.
  11. Vietnam is close - only redeeming quality they have is that everything on the roads are scooters. They can stop on a dime. You want to cross the road. You just go. Most aren't going that fast and will swerve around you like a school of fish. When they finally get cars......stand by. There are essentially zero traffic laws and the roads are tiny.
  12. Singapore ship? GD Asian drivers......
  13. Yep. Same, but with soccer. Had two before one switched sports. The biggest rackets are the college "ID" camps. Many are tied to the coaches compensation. Unless your coach has contacts with the coach and sets the expectations, it's not promising.
  14. So you don't think the conversation is around the damages of nerfing the world for our kids and using old playgrounds as an example?
  15. Time for zombies and rodents of unusual size?
  16. I think the general sentiment that nerfing the world for our kids is doing them a disservice.
  17. That's not at all what he's saying. How many school ago children have a grasp or international, macro implications at a global scale? Better yet, how many should? He's talking about the growth and development of children being significantly impacted by a virtual reality that is having a detrimental impact to adolescents across the globe. How would you rate screen time on devices between geo-commentary and dopamine filled social media? My guess is the latter would be the overwhelming amount of time vs. the former. Nor are these mutually exclusive. You want to have a conversation about geo-politics or the climate with your children, my guess is JH would suggest sitting around the dinner table as a family and do just that.
  18. It's so infuriatingly painful to become even semi-proficient. I'm still so bad compared to many of my peers. Worse still, it's such a perishable skill so you have to stay on top of it. My damn thumb still hurts because I forgot my mag loader for the P365 and the springs in those little shit mags are still way too tight. Why I tell everyone that asks about home defense to get a little 9mm carbine like the Ruger PC-9. Easy to operate. Longer sight radius. Can hold with two hands and anchor to your shoulder. Minimal recoil. Not expensive. Fun to shoot.
  19. I know more than a few people that are switching back to the old flip phone. Calls. Texts. That's basically it. They seem to love it. Problem with doing this with kids is the amount of shit their peers will rain down on them with their new smart phones. We've tried to mitigate this with both kids via sports. Get the kids outside. Put them in situations where they are being pushed. Earn "real" accolades. Not clicks and likes. Create your own gravity, and do not get sucked into that of others. We have land, so spending time out there helps, albeit I recognize it's a gift not all have. Oldest boy likes to game, so we now go to the shooting range every weekend and rent "those guns" he plays with. It's expensive, but he loves it. This weekend we compared 1911's to the "John Wick" guns he sees in the movies with comp slides and reticles. He likes the 1911. Frisco Gun range has an SBR. "Ok kid, let me see what you got". Loading the mags is a PITA. Not like the games huh? Oh, and they're loud AS SHIT. Not easy to hold steady are they? Spent casing hit you in the face? He still loves it, but the perspective is there as well. Now all he wants to do is practice, so it's a start.
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