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Posts posted by TexasRenegade

  1. 3 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    A hallmark of the Tom Herman era is that there have been maybe 2 times that Tom Herman's team has been aligned in all 3 phases of football where each aspect of the team is playing well. Offense, defense, special teams. For a guy that preaches alignment, we rarely see it. Those 2 were the Georgia Sugar Bowl game and the Utah Alamo Bowl game. Outside of those two, I cannot thing of a single instance against a competent team that Herman's team was ever firing on all 3 fronts. Maybe USC in 2018. Really anything post 2018 has been nothing but going downhill or spinning our wheels. I cannot think back to a Big 12 game where we've won comfortably since then. 

    Agreed.  Although I didn't realize it while watching, if you look back Tom turtled hard the 4th quarter of the Sugar Bowl.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 26 minutes ago, TejasPedro said:

    Remember that one time in Stillwater back in 2005, when Vince did his thang? That was pretty incredible. I want to watch that game over and over. LHN should do a fund raiser raffle for a chance to win a watch and study film session with VY. (All proceeds will go to the “Can The Herman -Hire the Meyer Fund”)  I enjoy that game more than the rose bowl. 
    oh, and one more thing, Tom Herman is ass.

    .....You think Vince is gonna study film.......

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  3. 32 minutes ago, RGBIII said:

    and home field advantage is usually worth 3 points...so basically vegas is saying Okie lite is a half point better than Texas...I dont see it 


    36 minutes ago, pearlandhorn said:

    I just don't get this.  In my opinion, it should be a TD or more.  We absolutely suck with no continuity on offense and a defense that likes to go for the big hit rather than actually tackle.  Chuba will probably run wild on this group.  Herman will turtle and Sam will have to do it all again.  There's no way Sam will make it through the season not hurt.  I expect Casey to be in against Kansas State.

    Didn't ya'll read the news coverage after the Baylor game?  Texas righted it's ship by beating that tough baylor opponent.......*barf*

  4. 2 hours ago, Spankytoes said:

    If you got fired from a company you revitalized the brand for, wouldn’t you be pissed? Mack, for all his faults did take us to 2 title games and there should have been a 3rd. And we showed him the door because he was putting up the same results as Herman. I’d be bitter too.

    Mack got well compensated for his work here. Then he got lazy and burned out and was allowed to collect his salary while basically doing nothing.  He could be pissy sure.  He could also be a professional and not try to completely sabotage the program on his way out the door.


    Tom Hicks himself thought he was doing Mack a favor since he was burned out.


    Lots of people pour themselves into something and don't try to burn it to the ground like a high school kid when it is time for them to step aside.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  5. 17 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    I’m going to provide a counter argument on Herman, but preface it by saying I waited way too long to throw in the towel on Strong.

    While Meyer would most probably be a coaching upgrade, there still is a slight chance that Herman could be or become a highly successful coach. CTJ has provide the most damning evidence about Herman by saying that he is widely disliked among the administration and boosters. There is also damning evidence from the on field results last year and this year so far.

    However there still are some glimmers of hope with this guy. According to hfd, players mostly like him. I find it hard to believe but let’s assume that’s true. He also has figured out how to upset much stronger opponents on occasion. If you squint really hard, maybe it’s just taking some time to put it all together and they will get better and better for the remainder of the year and into the future.

    Man, just typing this makes me realize the odds are greatly against it. What a waste of letters and thumb movements. Nevermind.

    I don't know, maybe there is a group of players that love him, but at the same time, we have heard from almost the outset how much his players don't like him and how often he has almost lost this team for me to believe the team in mass loves him.  Then again, I can remember being extremely defensive about my dad complaining about my high school football coach so who knows.

  6. 45 minutes ago, Hank Chinaski said:

    This - and he made this decision twice. He had two chances to win that game by making 3 yards. And he played for the tie both times. 

    Tom lost me last year, not during the 2020 OU game; but these are exactly the types of decisions that affirm my belief that his coaching instincts are subpar and are unlikely to ever change. He has a knack for getting aggressive when he shouldn't and turtling when he should get aggressive.  

    Really?  Ya'll think his season hinged on OU and that choice?  Was going for 2 all of a sudden going to make him a competent coach and his teams be well coached and disciplined?


    NO.  We got beat in "HIS YEAR" by the worst OU team in 22 years or more and it took Sam going superman to get us there.  Beating OU in overtime would have been nothing more then the comeback over Tech.  A mirage that prolonged the suffering.

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Zone Read said:

    Again, I said I don't disagree with the opinion and I'm not trying to legitimize it.  I'd be okay with hiring another coach now or the end of the season.  But not based on this year.  This team has had limited practices, limited scrimmages and was trying to implement a new offensive and defensive scheme.  My issues were from years previous that led up to this year and the need to implement the new schemes in the first place. 


    It's not just this year though. He was very nearly fired at the end of last year and was supposedly given his marching orders to save his job or not when he got to redo his staff.  The team is worse this year then last year.  In every capacity.  It isn't just practice it is everything about this team.

  8. 16 minutes ago, XYZ said:

    Is Mack Brown that much of a bitchass?

    That would depend...if suddenly getting pissy because Tom Hicks tells you that he has an agreement in place to bring Saban in as your replacement so you can ride off into the sunset and you scuttle the whole thing....then on top of that when you know you are leaving, you waste all of the head coach in home visits so your successor won't have any....

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    But Mack DOES love Sally's cookies!

    People don't understand that public persona Mack is a much different person than Mack Brown. We should all remember because of the shitshow he made his firing and replacement, but he was a dick the whole time he was here, and he was beyond worthless after we won the championship. A good friend of mine who played for Mack said Mack was often a huge asshole and he thought his HS coaches were better than Mack and Co. He was kind of stunned by it all when he got to campus.

    I don't know why this keeps getting posted?  Most people that enjoy that level of success or reach that pinnacle point learn how to be one thing in public and something completely different in other settings.  Guess what... Saban is capable of being a total ass when he wants, Urban as well, I'm sure Dabo is same, as are Harbaugh(both of them), Jimbo, Malzahn, etc etc etc.   Jimmy Johnson is a total waste of a human being outside of being a football coach 20+ years ago.  I can't speak to Coach Royal ( only met him once) or Landry or others further back, but I will reference what James Street said in regards to Royal.  "His door was always open for you, but you never ever wanted to have to walk through it."

    Lots of people that are "beloved in public" and highly successful are total ass hats in private.  Tom's issue is that he's a total ass hat all the time.

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  10. I don't know....but CDC strikes me as the type who double dots his I's and double crosses his T's.  I would reckon if he gave the coaches a directive that they will have the players stay for the eyes and all that, I would bet there is a written and dated version of that directive somewhere.  If TH is truly as unlikeable as it seems, it shouldn't be too hard to find players/staff who would be willing to report him giving contradictory information to the players from what CDC gave to him.  If TH was winning 10-11 games a year and competing for a NC every year would this be an fireable issue....no.  But that isn't the situation.


    As for Ketch and his pile of garbage...I seriously thought he was about to try and discredit and smear Reese to defend his report.



    OH.....and the only image I have of Ketch that is associated with Jurassic Park is:


    Nedry GIFs | Tenor

    • Haha 1
  11. Just now, UncleBuck said:

    Well then fuck Tom for that. That's stupid. Regardless of how you feel about his actual potential, it's still a 4-star rated OL whose brother is the best tackle in the country and a legacy and pretty much package deal and uhm also idiot you're probably gunna end up with a lot worse. 



    I will state that was one person's comment on the situation. I hadn't seen anyone else say it.  I can believe Dabo might not have been interested in James, but Dabo recruiting is on a whole nother planet compared to Tom's so yeah.



    2 minutes ago, UncleBuck said:

    It's just weird to me that Daddy and James Brockermeyer would actually believe that their path to James starting early, or period, ran through the Alabama program. Even if Herb and/or Tom tell you "we're not sure he's starting for awhile.", don't you look at the condition of that OL room and recruiting and laugh? "Yah, whatever dummies. Let's see what happens." Instead of "we'll just go be given the job at Bama with all of those lame high 4 and 5 stars huhuhuh."

    Supposedly Texas  told him they would take him as a walkon but not a scholarship offer.  At the time I didn't believe Herman was dumb enough to state that but who knows.

  13. 44 minutes ago, Duane Moore said:

    That Humidor report about the players actually being unified and Sam being out there by himself due to a miscommunication is very encouraging, and could hopefully take the temperature down in the simmering conflict that has developed between the players and our fan base. 

    It is also absolute PR malpractice for the program to not have gotten it out there to every Austin news outlet by Saturday night, rather than letting it fester all week and ending up buried in a pay site’s reporting. That alone shows Herman’s unfitness for the job. 

    I don't buy the player excuses.  How do you not know your QB is out on the field by himself after he basically willed you back from being down 35 to 17 to overtime.  At least a couple of players should have been aware he was out there.  I am not saying there is some big rift in the team.....I am just saying I think the team is done and has quit, they just don't care anymore.

  14. Supposedly Blake didn't like Herman and Hand's evaluation of whichever Brockermeyer plays center.  So they continued to string Texas along as Blake made the recruiting process about himself and what he could get out of it even though he had told people in private neither of the boys would play for Tom Herman.  Once Clemson also backed off being interested in recruiting both of them it was a foregone conclusion they were going Bama but they kept stringing Texas along and cost them an opportunity to recruit backup options.

    In addition it has been rumored that they have actively recruited against Texas and in certain circles Blake and Mrs. Brockermeyer made asses of themselves about Texas in general. 


    That is the 3rd hand gossip I put together from this site anyway.  Do with it what you will.

  15. 21 minutes ago, Hank_Hill said:

    Correct and as a player who doesn’t see most of that money I also wouldn’t give two fucks and would choose to do whichever I wanted. If some old aggyesque turdition white guys get bent out of shape about it that’s not the players concern and the AD needs to find another way to placate their aggyesque tendencies. 

    After this I am done with the EOT.


    What do you do for a living?  Just curious?  If you work for someone or a corporation, you don't see most of the money that said employer brings in either. Yet you are expected to operate and conform to expectation of said employer.  Just like the players are expected to pass class and not test positive for roids and such.  Everyone has expectations they have to conform to.  This is no different.  The golden rule.  He who has the gold makes the rules.


    Is the EOT the reason that Tom should be fired? No, but if it ticks CDC off enough to do it, if it gets some rich old blue hair mad enough to go after Tom when the other issues with the program aren't then so much the better.  It's one more log on the fire.


    I am done with the EOT discussion going forward we have a giant thread for it.

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