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Certifiably Surly
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4471 Surly 10%


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  1. I just fucking ate. Now I need more food to replace what I just threw up. Dammit.
  2. I have never watched news nation. Basically faux news lite?
  3. So is she really Goebbels in this simulation?
  4. My issue with watching the polls is the people that answer those calls. One time, many moons ago I was drunk and answered a call from a pollster. I was honest. These days, I am not even sure where my home phone is located. Shit rings from time to time, but I will never answer it. #whereisthecordlessphone. My kids are pure chaos.
  5. Jesus christ. These people. A woman has an opinion and they lose their shit. Tell us more tiny dick.
  6. No, she is a whole person under the current regime. Under turnip, she doesn't have a vote.
  7. I am going to tell my boss that line tomorrow when he asks me how I am going to handle the work load. I have concepts of a plan. Solid!
  8. Look at his eyes when she talks. What the fuck is he on?
  9. His eyes are darting around like crazy when she talks. I thought he was having a seizure.
  10. They will be there forever, you must bow to your new pig overlords. I kill as many as I can every chance I get and I have 3x as many as before. They are impossible to control with traps, hunting or any other method. Learn to deal with them. We were laughing at how absurd it is the other night. I killed a sow with babies that were the size of small rabbits. There is no way they will survive right? Over the next two months I saw those little fuckers on game cams just growing up on their own. Now they are medium sized terrorists running around at 2am eating everything they can find.
  11. Fine you cant watch you ungrateful fuck.
  12. I am starting to see a theme with the comply folks. Is your wife hot? I will let you watch from the closet while I fuck her.
  13. Poor alert. Never driven a push button. Throw the keys on the dash....in that car?
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